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unsteady by x ambassadors

Styles sighs as he looks at the cold gray stone. Calum sets flowers next to it also sighing. Luke stands back watching the two. He never thought he would be here.

"Dad? can i talk to Luke, alone" Styles says and Calum smiled at him nodding. Luke got nervous because the last time Styles and him talked was him was about the whole dad thing.

"good luck" Calum says kissing Luke and walking to the car. "come back to the car for we can have breakfast!" Calum yelled.

"you wanted me" Luke says sitting next to Styles that is next to the grave. Styles looks at him and smiles.

"i am not mad at you. i get why you freaked out" Styles says. "i am sorry for being rude back i was just scared" Styles says.

"its fine" Luke says placing his arm around him. Styles leans on him sighing.

"no it isn't, i could have loose you like i did with Jason. i don't want that, never!" Styles says and Luke looks at the stone.

"i can't replace Jason but i am just not ready for the whole calling dad thing? you get me" Luke bit his lip.

"i know. so you are with my dad now and be careful with him. he may look strong with his tattoos and all but trust me, he isn't. after Jason he wasn't the same, but Luke promise me something" Styles says looking at him.

"sure, what is it?"

"no matter what happens between you and my dad. please don't forget about me. don't leave me in the dirt like aunt Mali did. don't say you will call making me wait next to the phone never getting the answer. just please don't leave us like Jason left. don't die" Styles says. Luke hugs him holding him close.


Luke didn't know what was the future. so he promised, not knowing he will one day, leave this kid broken hearted.


sorry that it is short but i will update as soon as i can!

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