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Calum ran and ran. he wasn't going to look back until he finds the gang. he turned into a alleyway where they usually hang out.

"you!" Calum screams and the gang turns around. Mike turns and his smile drops. the gang was scared of Calum. his tattoos and piercing was frightening.

"what do you want punk ass" Chase says and Calum steps closer.

"you fuckers shot my son!" Calum pointed at Mike and Carmon. Mike stepped back and Carmon did too.

"look we are sorry" Mike said.

"bullshit! i lost Jason because of you! my family almost lost me! I almost lost Luke! now i might even loose my own child! he is only fucking 6! he has so much things to do! but no! you might be responsible for killing him! all of you!" Calum yelled. he was angry and scared.

"look calm down" Steve says chuckling putting his hand on Calum's shoulder. Calum pushed him to the nearest wall.

"my son might fucking die! don't you dare ask me to calm down!" Calum says. Chase points a gun to Calum's head. Calum wasn't scared he knows they weren't going to shoot him.

"go ahead, shoot me! i could careless!" Calum says turning around facing Chase. Chase started shaking his hand that holds the gun. "exactly! you guys are scared of me!" Calum says.

"shoot him fucker!" Steve says and Chase nodes. the shot was loud and full with so much anger and hate. yet Calum wasn't the one who got shot.

"put your hands up!" FBI men yelled. Calum sighs walking off.

"Thanks for helping us catch these guys, they will all be charged for attempted murder" Fred the FBI guy says and Calum looked at him.

"Attempted murder?" Calum says.

"I think you should go see your son now" Fred smiled at him and Calum hugged him. "Kim! i am taking the kid to see his son! you can take care in here?" Fred says and she nodes.

they went into the police car and turned on the sirens. Calum was happy to see his son.

Styles is and always will be in his heart, forever and always. even if he is dead or alive.

Fred and Calum got out of the car and raced to see Calum's son. They got to the elevator and waited until the doors opened. when they did they ran down the hall.

Calum stopped at the door and saw Luke kissing Styles forehead as tears ran down his cheek.

"Styles" Calum says and the two turn to face him. Styles smiles at his dad.

"dad" Styles says and Calum started to cry as he ran to Styles bed. he hugged him until Fred knocked on the door.

"if you don't mind i need to say words to Styles" Fred says and Calum nodes going next to Luke hugging him.

"Styles Hood, you are a brave to take a shot for your dad, Luke. so i am here to give you a bravely award from Australia and the FBI." Fred says giving him a pin and a gold medal. Calum smiled as Luke hugged him by his shoulders.

"i love you" Calum says kissing Luke chin. Luke chuckles and looks down at Calum.

"i love you too" Luke says kissing Calum's lips.


i love Calum Hood.

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