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The next day went by way to fast for Styles. To the point were Styles and Layla were already out of school. Calum was waiting up at front using his phone.

"Dad!" Styles yells and Calum looks down at him. A smile is now placed on Calum's face. He bends down and opens up his arms. Styles runs to him and hugs him. Layla smiles at the two and stands next to them. Calum pulled her into the hug. She giggled mumbling something about food.

"Yes Layla there is food at the house" Calum says and she cheers going into the car. Styles rolls his eyes and goes to the back seat with her. Calum sighs getting into the car starting it. He drives out and heads home.

"Okay so tomorrow is your birthday party, but today is going to be the dinner with Luke" Calum says and Styles smirked.

"you mean your boyfriend?" Styles says and Layla lets out a laugh. Calum rolls his eyes trying to hide his blush. Styles still saw it though.

"Uncle Calum, did you get my outfit?" Layla says. she stared calling his uncle right when Styles and herself went to first grade. Calum loved the name she gave him. Mali never brings her kids around so he doesn't get the here the word a lot.

"i did, and our butler got it cleaned and flatten down" Calum says and Layla thanks him. Calum pulls up to the drive way. Styles and Layla jump off of the car racing to the door. When Walter, the butler opened the door they went to the game room. Calum's parents house was big, Calum always hated it. The out side of the house was pastel blue and when you walk in its the white room also called the living room. then you go to the dining room which was red and then the kitchen is a cream color. The wash room is a washed brown.

Calum walked into the house thanking Walter for opening the door. He checks the time 3:45 he sighs knowing he has to get the two ready. they have to be at the restaurant by 6:25 and Calum knowing the two they would make it hard.

"Guys you have 30 minutes until i get you two ready, okay?" Calum says getting into the game room. Styles nods as he place a game on the x box one. Layla is playing with her dolls.

"Dad come play PDA with me!" Styles says and Calum nodes getting a controller. 2 Hours and 24 minutes later Calum realized the time. 5:48. Calum quickly told Layla to get ready and he will do her hair. He grabbed Styles and went to his room. they looked at his clothes and went for blue jeans, a green day shirt, and his martens.

Calum ran to Layla doing her hair. she said she wanted her regular curly hair and pined down. Calum didn't know what that meant so he quickly did it and pined the side of her hair doing it the same of the opposite side. He checked the time 6:02 right when he heard a door bell. he cursed at himself and ran to his room to get ready.

Down stairs was Luke waiting for someone to open the door and someone did, just not Calum.

"Hello Sir, may i help you?" A man with a suit asked Luke. He was so confused and doesn't even know if this is the right house.

"yes, does Calum Hood live here?" Luke asked and the man nodded. Pointing to come in. Luke gets the hint and walks in. All he sees is White.

"I am the Hoods butler and if you are here to see Calum then I'm probably going to see you a lot. my name is Walter" He says and Luke smiles at him.

"Im Luke, Calum's old best friend" Luke says and Walter nods. He then screams Styles name. foot steps are heard. not just two but four. Styles and Layla run down the stairs going to Luke. Layla was wearing black jeans, a shirt that said 'welcome back' with a panda on it and her white vans.

"Hello kids" Luke says smiling at them. Layla waves as Styles sits next to Luke. Styles sees what Luke is wearing and it wasn't so bad. Luke was wearing black skinny jeans, a panic! at the disco shirt and his black converse.

"Nice outfit, better then the stupid suits you always wear" Styles says and Luke eyes widen.

"We might not be at school but I'm still your teacher" Luke says and Styles shrugs. He runs off to play with Layla. moments later Calum comes down. He is wearing ripped black jeans with a drop dead shirt. his tattoos from both arms are shown. you can see some coming from his chest.

"Lets go kids" He tells them and they nodded running to the door. Walter puts on their coats and gives them their sun glasses.

"why are they wearing sun glasses?" Luke asked and Calum sighed as he got his sweater and his sun glasses. he passed some to Luke.

"you'll find out. even though i told you" Calum says and they walk out. Calum is driving so he got the good black car he got not to long ago. Luke rides shot gun and the kids are in the back. Right when they leave the gated community cameras flashed.

You see Joy and David are rich because well they are actors. Calum use to not be popular because nobody knew he was their son. when he graduated high school people began to find out and now he is famous. well somewhat famous. people love him for some reason and Calum doesn't like the attention.

"sorry, Luke whats your favorite movie?" Calum asked as they dive away from the paparazzi.

"easy, stay with me" Luke says and Styles screamed.

"told you he was going to say that! you owe me 5 dollars" Styles says and Layla crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"My parents are the starts of that. remember? we were around seven when i told you" Calum says and Luke eyes widen.

"No way! but i think I would have know is Joy was in that movie! also i was seven! you really think I would remember?" Luke says and Calum nodes. Styles was watching as cars pass by. Luke and Calum kept talking but he blocked everything out.

Layla watched for the other side of the window. how beautiful the stars are. its winter so it gets dark faster. her dark light skin glowed in the moon light.

"okay guys put back on your sun glasses, we are here" Calum said. they nodded  putting them back on.

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