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the girl who cried wolf by 5 es o es
hair was being pulled spanking was heard miles alway... JK AHAH

Styles was giggling as Jason picks him up spinning him. Calum was at work which means Jason takes care of him.

they played footie and ate pizza. it was almost time for Calum to come home as they played with his toys.

the 7 year old giggled at Jason made silly faces.

"i love you daddy!" Styles says hugging him. Jason laughed and hugged him back.

"i love you too" he says kissing his forehead.

"Loves! i am home! start getting ready though because the family all wants us to go out"  Calum sighed. Styles ran to Calum hugging him. "go get ready and meet me down here" Calum says and Styles nodes running to change.

Styles goes to his room and go his closet. he looks and spots his favorite pair of black jeans. he then gets a white button up with a black jacket. he got ready and when to his shoe closet he then grabbed his black nike shoes and slipped them on.

"i am ready!" Styles yelled running down stairs. Calum yelled we are here. Styles ran to the living room where his dads were and saw them nicely dressed.

Jason picks him up and they all head for the car. when the reach it Jason puts Styles in his high chair back seat and then sit in the front. Calum starts the engine and backs out of the drive way. they put on their sun glasses as they opened the gates.

they arrived to the restaurant and greeted everyone. they ordered and had a good time. Styles laughed with his cousin.

this was the life Styles loved. he loved every part if it. he misses every part of it.

the dinner was over and they all took a walk. Styles and his cousins were in front talking about video games.

"Styles!  come here let me tie your shoes!" Jason yelled walking to him. Calum stopped him a said i love you and kissed him. Jason blushed kissing him back going to Styles.

somethings stopped him though. a pair of arms did. Calum screamed running to them. the gang started hitting Jason and Calum pushed them.

"Daddy! stop!" Styles yelled crying. Mali grabbed him but Styles pushed her away.

"don't touch him!" Calum yelled punching the guy thats hitting Jason.

"fuck off" he yelled and Jason was hitting them back. punching them or kicking them.

the world stopped when Sid pulled out a knife. Jason just punched him little brother and Jason didn't see it coming. the knife went inside him and he screamed. the runners left and Calum ran to him.

"Jason, baby, stay please! Mali call an ambulance!" Calum yelled and she nodded. Styles ran to him.

"Daddy! stay! i need you" Styles says and Jason already had blood coming out of his nose.

"i love you guys" he says smiling. Styles and Calum are crying. two minutes later the ambulance came pushing them out of the way. the man checked for the pulse on his neck and arm.

"sir, i am sorry for your loss" he says and Calum screams falling to the floor. Styles run to Calum and hugs him.

"don't leave me! please don't leave me!" Styles yells and Calum holds him.



"stop!" Styles yells getting up from the bed. he runs to Calum's room seeing him put on pjs. "dad!" Styles yells crying.

"oh Styles! you are okay!" Calum yells picking him up hugging him. he start tearing up.

"why is Luke on your bed" Styles says and Calum chuckles. Calum looks at Luke sleeping and goes to the kitchen. he places Styles on the table and smiles at him.

"Luke told me about the whole dad thing and you are very smart for doing what you did. i asked Luke to be my boyfriend. i know you two aren't in good places right now but i really like him. you did too so i hope you like-"

"of course! i love Luke!" Styles giggles cutting Calum off. Calum smiles hugging his kid. "but i need to talk to him" Styles says and Calum nodes.

"why did you run to my room?" Calum asked and Styles looks down. Calum goes closer getting worried about his son.

"i had the dream again" Styles says and Calum sighs grabbing his kid. Styles starts to cry. "i miss him!" Styles cries out.

"look buddy i do too. how about we wake up Lukey and we go to his grave?" Calum says and Styles nodes. "good, now go wake him up" Calum puts him down on the floor and Styles runs to Luke.



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