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That's all Vikk thought when he was without simon. He could be with a crowd of friends but if simon wasn't their then Vikk was alone.

Vikk and simon weren't quite dating but they definitely more than friends. It's not as if friends causally fuck each other or send cute messages to the other. Friends don't whisper sweet nothings into each other's ear or call each other pet names when it's only them.

On that cold September night Vikk sat their thinking about January 1st and how it all started...


Hello thanks for reading now this note is going to be longer than most.

Now I'm back on wattpad but this time I'm anom. I used to hav a oneshot book that did quite well but I stopped doing it as I lost interest in all my hobbies due to depression. I'm not better but I missed it and trying to get back into things.

One day I may say who I am and show my face again but for now I'm writing under S.

If you ever have any idea who I am please DM me to see as I don't want it getting out. I would prefer to stay anom but things about who I am and what I say will most likely give you hints.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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