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    Talent is God-given , be humble.
    Fame is man-given, be grateful.
    Conceit is self-given, be careful.

August Alsina

Mood : 😜

"And the award for allstar basketball player of the year goes to .. August Alsina!"

I stood from my seat, fixin the tie to my tuxedo. Not ta be cocky or nun, but a nigga already knew I was gon win, who else is tha best?

Alicia jumped up from her seat, standing on her tippy toes, giving me a kiss, before I made my way to the stage.

I got daps from every nigga I walked passed, and hugs here and there from a few females.

I made my way onto the stage as everyone applauded, screamin my name.

I walked over to Taraji who was holding my award, for me ta take, I took it from her hands, givin her a hug.

"Preciate it." I thanked her, before walking up to the podium.

"Thank ya Thank ya." I chuckled as the fans in the crowd screamed.

"I appreciate everybody that got meh ta this place, I wouldn't be hea, without yall, I wanna thank my my coach, hard work pays off, I wanna thank my mama, without ya I wouldn't even be standin hea' , but I wanna give a big thank ya to my fans." I smirked.

The audience roared with cheers, clapping, and screamin.

"I love you August!" A fan shouted.

"I luh you too, Thank yall once again, I luh yall." With that everyone stood up clapping, as I made my way to the back.

"Great Job August." The Awards producer said pattin meh on tha back.

"Thank ya."

As I made my way to my dressin room, random people walked up and congratulated meh.

"Yo sid, get my ride, out back." I said to my bodyguard.

"Yes sir." He answered back.

I shut my door after going into my dressin room.

I sat in my chair, unlockin my phone.

I had multiple texts, and notifications, from people congratulatin meh.

"Why didn't you shout me out Anthony?" I heard Alicia's voice from behind me.

I locked my phone, lookin up in the mirror at ha.

"Don't come in muh dressin room wit da bullshit Alicia." I retorted, standin up and adjustin my tux.

"Whatever Anthony, you never cared anyway." She said callin meh by muh middle name.

I ignored her shakin my head, she just mad just ta be mad.

"You are so fuckin selfish."she folded her arms.

"What tha fuck you want me ta shout you out fa? You already on my arm, that should give yo ass enough recognition."

"Well it doesn't, I want everyone to know that you appreciate me."

"Alicia maan, shut the fuck up." I retorted, grabbin my phone, and walkin out of my dressin room.

"No!" She said following behind me.

"August your car is outback, thank you for coming tonight." One of the ladies backstage smiled.

"No pra'lem thanks fa havin meh." I replied, before walkin out.

"August!" Alicia whined.

"You gettin in orr?" I asked ignorin the fact that I was prolly pissin ha off.

She huffed before walkin ova ta my Audi. I opened tha door fa ha, before shuttin it afta she got in.

I walked back over to my side, gettin in tha car and speedin off.

"I hate you." Alicia spat.

"I luh you too." I smirked.

Alicia and I been rockin fa good year. Even though she get on my damn nerves, I love ha spoiled aggy ass.

We pulled up ta my mansion, I typed in the code to the gates, allowing the gates to slowly open.

I pulled up into the drive way, Parkin my Audi, next to muh Range Rover.

Alicia immediately stormed out of the car slamming the car door behind her.

"Aye watch that shit." I spat following behind ha.

She stay throwin tempa tantrums, but that ain shit I can't handle.

"Baybeh!" I chuckled as she stomped up the stairs.

When she actin up, all she need is some good ass dick.

I threw my keys on the counta, joggin up the stairs.

I went into tha master room, I slid my shirt ova my head and tossin it into tha hamper, I took off muh pants leavin me in boxers, puttin it in the hamper as well.

"Alicia! Getcha fine ass in hea'!" I chuckled.

I walked to the restroom, tryin ta open up tha doa', but it was locked.

"Open tha doa' !" I demanded.

Seconds later, she opened the door, I pushed it all the way open, pushin ha up against the wall.

"Fuck wrong wit you girl." I smirked, breathing down ha neck.

She pushed me off of her, starting the shower.

I chuckled walkin out the restroom, and gettin undressed.

I left my boxers on, walkin back into tha restroom, seein my baby completely naked.

"Uhm you're not getting in the shower with me." She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes I am."

I pulled my boxers off, and a small smirk appeared on her face, as she tried to look away.

"Mhmm, changing ya mind now ain it?"

"Hush." She rolled her eyes.

I picked her up bridal style, while she had her back turned, causing her to laugh.

"Get off me nigga!" She laughed.

"Naa we finna take this show'a."

I opened the shower door, gettin in, with her in my arms.

"I hate you." She laughed, as I put her down.

"I got somethin you love though." I smirked.

"What is that?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

I bit my lip, looking down at my damn right hand man.

She looked down at it too before playfully stickin ha tongue out.

"What you tryin?" I smirked.

"What ever you tryna give to me." She winked.



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