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You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.


"I don't really fuck with white dick, but ya know I'm always up for trying new things." Raina babbled as her and Ariala caught up on their monthly bestfriend talk, which included a morning yoga exercise session in the park.

"I worry about you sometimes babygirl." Ariala laughed, as they transformed into their next yoga pose. 

"Bit' please, sometimes it good to embrace your inner slut, look where it got you." 

"Publicly embarrassed, almost losing my job, and pregnant." 

"And a man that you're head over hills for." She smiled.

Ariala laughed, but inside she knew Raina was right, she was head over hills for the kid, they've known eachother for a good 8-9 months, and she actually liked him more than she ever thought she would. They werent officially together, but they knew where eachother stood.

"Can't deny that."

"Speaking of Aug, how's everything?" She asked as they both laid on their stomachs.

"Were good, I mean of course we have our arguments, and our jobs get in the way, but all in all, I can't say that he's not there for me. He's always comforting me, and hes so understanding, apart from his mean ass demeanor, and the way hes always snapping on every mistake I make." 

"Well, you can't really complain about his meanness, August was always a rude ass from the jump, but he's just worried about you, both of you always wanna be right, so it'll cause arguments, but every relationship has them."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I kind of grown used to his attitude." 

"I bet, how's the pregnancy going?" 

"It's okay, the daily sickness is annoying though, the mood swings are even worst, and I'm craving foods that don't even make any sense, which end up making me sick in the end." 

Raina let out a laugh. "Wow, sounds fun."

"You don't even know the half of it, baby girl." Ariala sighed as she stood to her feet.

Raina, stood up as well, watching Ariala roll up her mat, she looked at her bestfriend and couldn't help but to feel happy for her, maybe Ariala didn't feel too good about the fact that she was pregnant, but Raina knew that August cared for Ariala, and she was happy that she was pregnant by a man that she knew was going to take care of her. 

"How do you feel about all this Ari?" 

Ariala sighed once more. "I feel like all this stuff is happening way too fast, I know I've known him for like 9 months, but we just started dating, and now I'm pregnant. Like it's crazy to me, I have all these feelings for him, and I'm wondering how, its so early, he hasn't even met my mom yet." 

"Y'know August really cares about you Ari." 

"Yeah, I know."  

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