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What's understood, don't gotta be explained.

Ariala Troy

I woke up this morning, smiling hard as shit for some reason. I clenched the sheets in between my fingers, taking a whiff of the Irish Spring smell that filled the air.

I rolled over, being met with small growling snores from an unconcious August.

I smiled to myself, watching as he slept peacefully. I swear this is the most innocent he's ever looked, he's cute when he's not bucking on any and everything that breathes.

My eyes gazed upon his beautiful caramel skin, that glistened even in the dem light. His tattoos that covered his body, complimented his skin. His jet black curls, intertwined with each other and fell perfectly. His pink plump lips slightly parted as he snored.

This man was flawless.

I placed my hand on his exposed chest, causing him to shift a little, as I slid my hands down his chest. I traced the tattooed "A" on his neck, with the tip of my perfectly French tipped nails.

I gently gripped his chin, my hands rubbing up against the hair against it.

I don't know why I was So amazed with him right now.

I ran my thumb across his soft pink lips, causing him to groan in aggravation, and lick over his lips.

I slightly let out a laugh. He was still sleep, and still maintained to show off his little attitude.

Not even able to help myself, I placed one hand on his chest, and leaned in, giving him a kiss on his amazingly soft, moist lips.

He didn't kiss back, due to the deep sleep he was in, until I repeatedly placed kisses on his lips, he hesitantly kissed back, His eyes still closed.

I smiled against his lips before, pulling away, and deciding to let him sleep.

I propped myself up on my elbows , before pulling the cover off of me.

As I was getting out of the bed, I was stopped, by a tight grip to my thigh, causing me to jump a little.

I looked back at August, who's eyes were still closed.

"Where you goin?" he asked in a low groggily tone.

"Shower." I replied.

"Come back in hea' when you finished." he growled.

I laughed lowly. "Okay."

He let my thigh go, before going back to sleep.

I went into the guest room, I was staying in, down the hall.

I went into the restroom, and looked at myself in the mirror, and I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me, but I was glowing, my smile would not go away for anything.

I had fallen asleep in August's bed lastnight, well that is after the many fuck sessions we had encountered after dinner.

August and I ended up leaving the dinner together, and when we got back to his place, we wasted no time in talking, we were fuckin all night.

I can't say that I didn't feel bad for Jordan, because I did. But at the same time I didn't really .. care. God I felt so heartless.

I pushed my hair out of my face. I had to do training with August today, but I kind of wanted to do a chill training, especially since it was like 1000 degrees outside today.

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