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Don't underestimate me,

I know more than I say,

Think more than I speak,

and notice more than you realize.

Ariala Troy

Mood: 😤

"Ow bruh tha fuck you doin?" August groaned annoyingly.

what is life?

"Please cooperate, how many times do we go over this?" I sighed.

"Obviously not a'fuckin nuff."

I rolled my eyes and carefully lifted him from his bed, and slowly helping him down the stairs.

He had his arm around my shoulder, as he limped his handicapped ass to the couch.

I sat him down, putting a pillow under his foot.

I had to stay here with him all day, since he's trying to be more active, plus he's on more medication, he doesn't need to be doing anything on his own.

"My niggas is comin ova, so ima need ya ta take ya ass somewhere." He announced, as he scrolled through his phone.

I looked at this nigga for a second.

"I'm authorized to stay here, your house is big, I'm sure there's another place you all can go?"

He slowly looked up at me and frowned. "Naa, last time I checked this is my muh house, and Ima be anywhere I damn wellplease." He retorted.

Fuck it, I'm not holdin my tongue anymore.

"Actually you cant be anywhere you wanna be, because you're fuckin handicapped, and guess who has to take care of you?"

His face rose in shock, then immediately turned into a mean ass mug. "Who tha f-"

"Don't even say shit to me Mr. Alsina, I'm trying my best to be conservative, but I can get crazy, and thats something you and me both dont want, but best believe if you keep talkin to me like you crazy, I won't have any problem lettin that shit out, I'm takin care of your broken ass, so I suggest you get whatever is in your fuckin head out now, I understand you're frustrated that you got cut from the team, and yes I'm sorry about that, but you're not going to take it out on me, suck that shit up, and hope for the best, no wonder all this shit is happenin to you, because you're ignorant as fuck." I spat, angrily looking him up and down, before grabbing my purse, and storming out of the house.

I honestly, could give no fucks, if he wants to call my boss, or find another assistant, that's not my fuckin problem, all I know is I'm not dealin wit the disrespectful shit anymore, that's for damn sure.


August Alsina

I sat there tryna register what tha fuck just happened, as she stormed out of the house, slammin the door behind her.

A part uh meh wanted ta slap tha fuck outta ha, but anotha part uh meh wanted ta apologize, some uh the shit she was speakin was real.

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