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Life is a dream for the wise,
A game for the fool,
A comedy for the rich,
And a tragedy for the poor.

Ariala Troy
Mood: 🙄

I sadly had to work on the day of the game, but I'd be off in about two hours, then I had a date with .. Darion.

I was currently working with one of my regular patients, a 75 year old woman, her name is MaryAnn, she has strokes from now and then, but she had a temporary paralysis, so I'm helping her get her strength back.

"Oh boy.." MaryAnn mumbled, as she tried to stand up, using her walker.

"Come on, you can do it." I encouraged her, as I held the center of her back.

"Okay." She breathed, giving all her strength, and finally standing up.

"Good , Good. Now see if you can walk from here, all the way to the other side of the room."

She looked up at me like I was crazy, "You gotta be damn crazy, if you think I'm walking all the way over there." 

I laughed a little. "I'll help you, come on." I replied.

She clutched the walked tightly, as I slightly held onto her back. She moved her left foot first, before pulling the other foot right along.

"Great MaryAnn."

She repeated the same procedure, hesitantly picking up her speed, she was still going slow, but I could see the progress.

"Come on Mary." She cheered herself on.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, she made it across the room. I sat her in the wheelchair, before pushing her back across the room.

"Excellent." I complimented her, as I wrote down her progress on my clip board.

"Ms. Troy, you have a husband right?"

I let out an awkward chuckle. "Uhm , sadly no."

"Come on you're kidding right?"

"I wish."

"You're a beautiful young lady, I'm surprised no one has put a ring on your finger."

"Yeah well not beautiful enough, I'm not really interested in all that anyway, I have too much work on my hands, if love finds its way, then it will, but until then, I'm fine." I shrugged before walking to my computer.

Lord knows I was lying, I'd love to have a happy home with a husband, and kids, not desperately, I don't want just anybody, I'm not settling for less than what I deserve.


August Alsina

"Baby, do good, you cannot afford to lose this game, this will bring you even higher than what you were before, you won't even be thinking about millions, you'll be on top with billions." Alicia explained ta meh.

I looked around awkwardly. "I got it."

"Okay baby, please don't let me down." She replied, before givin me a kiss, and walking out the locker room.

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