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Money only impresses lazy girls. When a woman works hard, a man with money is a bonus, not a ladder to upgrade.

Ariala Troy

Mood: 😑

"So you're telling me, that I'll be out of my office for a few months?" I questioned my boss.

"Look, you're the best therapist we have, and this will get us a lot of money, Ipromise you'll be back as soon as he gets better." My boss assured me.

"How many times a day do you want me to check on him?"

"Well you'll be there alot, since he's just now getting out of the hospital, the fracture is still fresh, so you need to get him whatever he needs, because he can't walk. So you need to be there from 8 AM to the time he goes to sleep."

I took a deep breath, this nigga lucky I like my job.

"Alright, so I start tomorrow right?"

"Yes, but today I need you over there just to check on him, he's on bedrest right now, so he should be okay."

"Okay, I guess I'll check on him, later on today." I replied grabbing my purse.

"Alright thank you Ms.Troy, I really appreciate this."

"No problem." I replied walking towards the door. "Oh! and no one uses my office." I demanded.

He chuckled, before rising from his seat. "Alright, its the least I could do."

"Yes, it is." I laughed before leaving his office.

I had a lunch date with Raina today, plus I had to check on ol boy, and I have to turn in my patient files before midnight. Lord today was going to be a day.


August Alsina

I sat in my bed, watching tha news, and of course a nigga was on there. There was rumors goin around already, and all this shit happened just yestaday.

Alicia wasn't even home when I got hea' Iono whea' ha ass went, but she doin to fuckin much.

I tried ta relax as much as I could, but this shit was uncomfortable. My phone begin ringing, and it was muh coach.

"Shit." I mumbled.

I picked up the phone, holdin it up ta my ear. "Hell'a"

"August, whats up with you and your leg?" He asked.

Muh nigga what the fuck it look like?

"I got uh fracture, I guess, I ain gon be able ta play, for a good four months."

"What?! Four months? We're gonna need you before then."

"I know man, but that's tha only time I'ma be able ta heal."

He got silent fa a minute before speakin again. "We're gonna have to get someone else August, we can't wait for you to get yourself together, championships are way before that."

"Man tha fuck you sayin? You saw that fuck nigga trip my ass, you throwin my ass off tha team fa shit I can't control!"

"August calm down, I'm not sayin its your fault , I'm saying that the team needs, another player that isn't disabled, and can play."

"Fuck that bruh, you know damn fuckin well no one as good as me, why can't you get a temporary muh'fucka?"

"You don't even know if you're ever even gonna be stable enough to play again."

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