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Work hard in silence,
Let success make the noise.

Ariala Troy. (AR-E-ALL-UH)

Mood: 😫

"Just a little bit further.." I encouraged my patient, as she pushed herself to walk, using the railings.

"I can't!" She cried.

"Yes you can, go." I demanded, she breathes heavily as she pushed herself to walk some more.

I spotted behind her, as she walked, just in case she fell.

She groaned out of breath as she finished walking to the end of the railings.

"See." I said, writing down, her progress on my clip board.

I got her wheel chair, carefully helping her sit down.

I was working with many patients, but this one was a 30 year old Caucasian woman, who had severe damage to the knees, due to an accident on the highway.

"Alright Ms. Jones , you're free to go, my work here is done." I said, rolling her out of my office, and into the rehabilitation center.

"God, thank you Ms. Troy." She smiled.

"No problem, see you next week." I nodded before handing her over to one of the assistants.

I walked back into my office, thankfully she was my last patient of the day.

I sat at my desk, finishing up my paperwork, being a Physical Therapist had its pros, but it also had is cons, but I enjoy my job, it pays very very well.

I grabbed my files to turn into the main desk, before closing up my office, grabbing my phone and purse.

I locked up my office behind me, before reaching the front desk, handing in my papers.

"Alright I'm out." I announced.

"See you tomorrow Aria."

I nodded before walking out, and unlocking the doors to my Range Rover.

I got in, shutting the door behind me.

I checked my phone, seeing that I had tree text messages, one from Darion, one from my mom, and one from my best friend Raina.

Darion is a nigga that I've been talking to for a few weeks now, he's getting aggy as fuck.

Darion: so are we on for dinner tomorrow or?

me: yes darion.

I rolled my eyes, checking my messages, and going to my mom.

mommy dearest ❤️: I never see you anymore.

me: mom we saw eachother last week.

mom: that's too long.

me: I'll see you Wednesday.

I tapped my bestfriend's messages, reading it.

Raina: please tell me you're coming to the gym with me today?

me: yeah, give me an hour.

Raina: you're a life saver.

I laughed before throwing my phone in the passenger seat, and backing out of the parking lot.

I turned up my radio, and cruised off into the Atlanta night.


I pulled up to my house, parking my car in the garage.

T e a c h   M e | A u g u s t  A l s i n a  L o v e  S t o r y. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now