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Jealous? Oh no darling never been. But territorial? Guilty as charged.

Ariala Troy

"I think I like this." I tilted my head, pulling up the dress and looking at my ass in the mirror.

"Gah damn, well if you plan on getting fucked, then yeah I'd wear it." Raina laughed.

"Then yeah, I'm wearing it." I laughed.

"Fuck around and catch some attention You don't want.. Hint hint August." she coughed.

"Hush girl, I'm not worried, He actin like a little bitch, it's like the beginning all over again."

"Girl are You dumb or are you dumb? Obviously he has feelings for you! Hes jealous of Jordan!" she replied.

I looked at her with a straight face. "Don't be silly, August does not have feelings for a soul, and He could have any female He wants, what he got to be jealous of?"

"You! If he didn't want you, why did he get mad at the fact that you brought Jordan into the conversation? Hmmm? He wants you and your dumb ass thinks that you're cheating on jordan, but you two aren't even together." she shouted, as I took off my dress.

"Well that shouldn't matter, we may not be together, but I would be mad if he was fucking another female."

"And you think he's not? When he's out of town all the time, I bet you he had to sleep with at least one woman."

I twisted up my lips, she slick got me thinkin, but Jordan wouldn't do that.. He's not like that, is he? Then again he is a guy.

"Whatever Raina, I have a dinner date with him, not August, so as far as I'm concerned August is out of the picture." I retorted walking into my closet.

"Whatever, suit yourself, I'm just telling the truth, I mean I am the one with all the experience."

I rolled my eyes to the fact that she was slick right. Did August have feelings for me? Naah he couldn't, I mean he's August Alsina.

I shrugged everything off for now, I was just excited to see Jordan and have dinner with him, I was supposedly going to his place afterward. 😉😜😂

So I had enough to worry about.


August Alsina

"Naa man I had the best pussy I ever had yesterday." Trey exclaimed as me and these niggas all sat in muh livin room chillin.

"Here we go." Jordan laughed.

"I'm so serious, Shit was right as fuck, she had dat juicy fruit!"

Hmm remind me of someone I know. lol.

"Bruh shut the hell up wit dat Shit." Chris spat.

"I'm just bein honest." trey laughed.

I sat thea' playin wit tha strings ta my sweats.

"On a better not, I'm takin my girl out ta dinner tonight." Jordan chimed in.

"Oh word?" Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, takin her to-"

"Tha place ya take all tha otha females?" I finished his sentence, causin everybody ta look my way.

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