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Dark cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

 Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that

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Ariala Troy

2 weeks later

"I want to talk about forgiveness, and I know everybody has their own idea of forgiveness, and why they shouldn't forgive someone, but hopefully the lord is gonna get you past that."

Silence filled the church as Pastor Henry begin to speak.

"As we all know God is the only reason we are living, and he is the only reason we are where we are today. Everybody has a task on this earth, God has a plan for every single person in this room, regardless of who you are."

"Amen." My mom mumbled beside me, along now with some other people in the room.

"With that being said, everybody has a value, no matter who you are. You know how you want to be treated and how you deserve to be treated and you won't settle for less."

Amen to that.

"And that's fine, some of these people out here will take advantage of you, and use you for whatever reason, and tell me if I'm wrong, but most of us don't tolerate that kind of stuff."

I laughed to myself as the whole church room roared in a loud Amen.

"And there's nothing wrong with that, everyone has had trouble forgiving someone before, and as hard as it may be, I'm telling you, the best thing to do in a situation, I don't care what situation it is, this person could have killed your family member, you forgive forgive forgive, and you may ask why is it so important to forgive? Why would I forgive someone for all the bad things they've done to me? Well I'll tell you, Unforgiveness stands between you and God.Why? Because we are all sinners, and through Grace God has forgiven us and sees us as righteous. If God can forgive us all the awful things we've done, we can forgive others.
not only will it lift a weight off your soul, it'll touch the other persons soul as well."

Out of everything to talk about Pastor Henry, he just had to talk about forgiveness, knowing I'm in a difficult ass situation. I'd rather stab every damn person that betrayed me. But I guess God was trying to show something.


"Mom you don't understand, I could have lost my job, I don't know what's gotten into me honestly, and you know if I lost my job, I'd go crazy." I spoke as I stuck my fork into the chicken Parm that my mom freshly prepared.

"Ariala, I swear you are as stubborn as a bull, did you not learn anything in Church today? By the way you describe the boy, he sounds like he really liked you." She replied, making herself a plate.

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