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Have no fear of moving into the unknown.

Ariala Troy

1 week later.

1 week later

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"Ms. Troy, you have more roses from-"

"Set them over there in that trash can please." I replied, as I finished up my work on the computer.

"Yes ma'am."

I had a few more minutes before I could finally clock out.

I gathered my papers together as one of my coworkers walked into my office.

"Ari, you good?"

I looked up to see, Sheldon, for such a person with a nerdy name, he was a handsome young thing. Too bad he was gay.

"Not at all, but I'll be okay." I sighed, stuffing my things into my bag.

"That man really hurt you didn't he?"

"A little I guess, I'm just mad at myself for actually falling for the shit." I replied throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"It happens sometimes, you just got to be willing to forg-"

"Please don't say that word, too many people are mentioning that to me and I'm going to pull my hair out if I hear it one more time."

He chuckled. "It works though, trust me, I know."

I groaned. "Yeah I guess, I'm out though."

"Paparazzi is still out front, so be careful." He stated.

I gave him a smile. "Thanks."

After he left my office I followed, locking up.

"You outta here Ari?" Jessica one of my coworkers asked from the front desk.

"Yes ma'am, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, be safe." She replied.

I made my way out of the hospital, and just like I expected, paparazzi came swarming me with cameras and frequently asked questions.

"Ms.Troy, is it true that you had sexual intercourse with your former patient August Alsina?"

"Ms. Troy what do you have to say about the affair you were having with Jordan's bestfriend?"

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