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How can I explain how I'm feeling to someone else, when it doesn't even make sense in my own head.

1 month later.

August Alsina

"We're on with August Alsina ladies and gentlemen, once again he says he's going to be back on the court soon, isn't that right Mr. Alsina."

"Of course, back n betta than eva." I replied.

"We're definitely looking forward to seeing you out there again, I can honestly say it hasn't been the same without you."

"Oh I know." I chuckled causing the interviewer to join in.

These past few months were honestly the worst months of my life, and simultaneously the best. If it wasn't for Ariala, a nigga wouldn't even be better this quick. All I can do is thank God for sending her my way. Shit is gonna slick be bitter sweet when she goes back to the hospital. A nigga got so used to ha always bein around, livin wit meh and helpin meh wit everything, and now we only gotta month of trainin left.

"Thanks fa havin meh man, I'm glad ta be able ta say.. Fuck the people that said I couldn't, cus I did, and I am."

"Agreed, couldn't have said it any better than the man himself, thanks again Mr. Alsina."

"Preciate it." I nodded before standing up.

Paparazzi was definitely a problem now more than anything, but it slick felt good to have that shine again. Not the bad shine, but the good one. I made my way out of the building with my security guards on both sides of me.

And just before I got into the new burnt orange bugatti I bought, I was met with a face that I knew I'd see again.

I sighed and pushed my hands into my pockets and looked her dead in the face.

"Alicia fuck you want?"

"August.. baby I miss you." she cried.

Hold the fuck up.. This bitch think I'm stupid don't she?

"Coo , fuck I'm post ta do bout dat?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"August baby listen, I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean those things I said, I just wanted the best for you, and when all these bad things were happening to you, I got frustrated."

"Mhmm." I nodded as if a nigga cared.

"I felt like I was a curse, every time I'm around something or someone I love, something bad happens." she sniffed.

"Yeah, excuse meh." I nodded before walking around her and getting into my car.

She looked at me with shock as I started up my car.

"Oh and tell that real nigga I said wassup." I chuckled before pullin out tha parking lot.

Bitch I'm not trippin off'a ex hoe.


Ariala Troy

"Bae I work on Friday, so make it Saturday." I pleaded.

"Aight, you betta not forget this time Ariala." Jordan warned me.

"I won't, I promise." I laughed.

"Aight, I'll call you afta this interview."

"Alright, text me." I replied.

"Aight mama." with that he hung up.

T e a c h   M e | A u g u s t  A l s i n a  L o v e  S t o r y. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now