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If someone won't lift a finger to see you, spend time with you, or even check on you,

It's time for you to lift five fingers and say goodbye.

Ariala Troy

I woke up, to the light beaming through my blinds, I stretched, checking my phone. I had a few missed calls from that Darion nigga, then a text from Raina.

I got out of my bed, walking to my bathroom, and turning on the shower, I brushed my teeth, and washed my face, before grabbing some clothes, and going back into the restroom, to take my shower.

I had things to do today, especially since Raina wants me to go out with her tonight.

After I finished my shower, I dried off with a towel, Luckily I could wear anything I want now that I'm not at the rehab center anymore. That uniform I wore all the damn time was hot, especially since it's 90 degrees outside in hot ass Atlanta.

I put on a grey sundress, that stopped at my mid-thigh. (Multimedia)

I was recently trying these new bundles of weave. I didn't wanna color my real hair, so I dyed the weave, and put a few bundles in my head, I like it.

Anyway, I put on my sandals, and grabbed my MK bag off the dresser.

I don't usually eat breakfast on busy days like this, so I grabbed one of my already made smoothies, out of the fridge, and headed out.

I got in my all black Range Rover, I started up the car, and I was on my way.

It's a Saturday, so Atlanta is busy as always. I had to make a stop at the bank, to pick up my last check at the rehab, which should be lookin pretty fat, considering the fact that I've been workin my ass off.

I turned up the radio, as it played, Migos 'Dab'. When it came to the public, of course I show and carry myself with class, but nobody can tell me anything about trap music that I don't already know, I look like I listen to Miley Cyrus, but I am the total opposite.

I sung along to the lyrics, as I pulled up to the bank.

I parked my car, and got out, locking it behind me. I held up my I.d. showing the security guard, he nodded opening the door for me, I strutted into the bank, walking into line, behind everyone else.

The bank is so secure, It's really meant, for people with big money, it's not a surprise to see celebrities, entering this place. I don't even think it's possible to rob this place, police and armed security guards everywhere.

As I was standing in line, about to be next after the lady in front of me, I was tapped on the shoulder, I turned around, looking up into a fine tall, milk chocolate man, God he looked amazing, he looked familiar too, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Wow, excuse me gorgeous, Ion wanna sound stalkerish, but I saw you from across the room, and I couldn't just pass you up, you are so damn beautiful." He complimented me, I couldn't help but to blush.

I smirked, "thank you, but I think I've heard this line before."

You know I had to play hard to get, even though a man looking the way he does, probably never had that done to him, I bet women, throw themselves at him.

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