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you're the last thing I want to lose.

Ariala Troy

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Ariala Troy

"Nooo." I whined, as August got out of bed, turning off his alarm.

It was officially the day August had to go, and I am sadder than ever.

He let out a slight chuckle. "Go back to sleep mama, I'll wake you up when I get ready to go."

I sat up looking at him as he moved his suitcase by the door. "Noo, I wanna bother you before you leave me for a week."

"My lul baybeh gon miss meh?"

"Aloooooot." I whined, as I climbed out of the bed, following him inside the restroom.

He looked at his sexy ass appearance in the mirror, before tugging at the little hairs on his chin.

My eyes scanned across his body, the tattoos on his chest, arms, neck, and the little one on the side of his face.

I watched as he grabbed his toothbrush, and covered the brush with toothpaste, before thoroughly brushing his teeth and tongue, and lightly brushing his gums.

He spit into the sink, licking the excess toothpaste from his lips, before rinsing out his mouth.

"So ya just gon watch meh?" He chuckled.

I smiled. "Yeah, you're a very interesting person."

He furrowed his eyebrows together before laughing, he turned on the shower, and left the restroom to grab a towel.

I grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste, I begin, brushing my teeth, and getting ready to start the day.

Aug came back in, with a towel, and begin stripping out of his clothes.

Shit , you know I watched. 😏

"Dat interestin heh?" He chuckled.

"Very." I smirked.

"Come shower wit'me." He nodded his head towards the shower.

I undid my robe, letting it fall to the ground, before stepping out of my underwear, and undoing my bra, as August watched me.

He opened the shower door, as he let me walk in first.

The hot water, dropped on my skin, as I let it hit the palm of my hand, and drip through my fingers.

August snaked his arms around my waist, caressing my tummy.

"Dick all on my ass." I laughed.

T e a c h   M e | A u g u s t  A l s i n a  L o v e  S t o r y. *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon