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We often take for granted, the very things that most deserve our gratitude.

August Alsina

Mood: 😒/😡

I sat in the hospital bed, I was on medication, so my leg was aight, fa now, but once them shits wore off, I was gon be in pain, and that shit wasn't no joke.

I was waitin with Alicia fa tha docta ta give me my results, so I could know if I was going to be able ta play basketball again.

"Mr. Alsina?" The nurse walked into the room with a clipboard filled with papers.

"Yes? Can he play again? How soon?" Alicia jumped up out of her chair.

I looked at her ass like she was stupid.

"Please ma'am let me get to that."

"Well you're not moving fast enough." Alicia retorted.

"Sit ya ass down and wait." I spat.

She rolled her eyes, before sitting down and folding her arms.

"Okay, uhm the results came back, it looks like you've got a really bad fracture, good news is, it's treatable, bad news is .. you'll have to sit out the rest of the season, there's no way you can play basketball with this kind of fracture, because the sprain won't go down until a good four or five months."

I swea my heart sunk ta my stomach, this shit was pissin me off.

"What!? He'll be kicked off the fuckin team by then!" She shouted.

"I'm sorry, unless you want a permanent injury to your leg, you can't play."

"Wow, this is fuckin ridiculous." Alicia scoffed, grabbing her purse, and her jacket, before stormin out.

This bitch madder than I am, tha fuck?

How am I supposed ta fuckin function wit out basketball, damn the best night of my life turned into tha worst one real quick.

I sighed, rubbin my hands down my face. "Shit"

"More good news is you'll be released tomorrow, after we run a few more things, and let you know how we're going to fix the problem." She informed me.

"Preciate it."

"Alright have a good night Mr. Alsina."

As soon as she shut tha door, I threw tha tissue box that was beside me, at the wall.

"Fuck!" I shouted covering my face.

I hated ta face it, but Alicia was right, I'd have ta be kicked off the team by the n, fuckin championships were in 2 months ain no way I was gon recover by then.

I felt like fuckin everything up, but I knew that shit wasn't gon get me nowhere.

"Knock knock, Yoo!" I heard a voice from the door, I looked up ta see my nigga Jordan.

"Wassup?" I nodded.

"You good fam?" He asked walkin over and sitting in the chair next ta me.

"I'm straight, shit stressin meh out."

"You found out when you was gon get better?"

"Yeah, turns out I won't be able ta play basketball fa anotha five months." I shook my head.

"Naa man you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm playin?"

"Damn, man I'm sorry bout that. What you gonna do?"

"Ain shit I can do, that's what's pissin me off tha most." I spat.

Jordan shook his head. "Damn, how tha hell we gon win the championship wit out you?"

"Man idk I can't even think right na. My leg is fucked up, I can't even get up ta go take shit, I'm stuck righ hea, and I bet that shit all on tha news."

"It's good bruh, don't even stress whatever them muh'fuckas sayin."

"I swea I'm tryin man." I shook my head, unlocking my phone.

I had so much support on every social media right now, it was unbelievable, but thea was also shit talkas too, they be find in out shit about me, before I do.

"Man you know if you need anything jus lemme know aight?"

"Preciate it man." I nodded as he dapped me up.

"Aight bruh, I'll check on ya tomorrow."

"Aight man, be safe."

"Always man."

I laid there thinkin about everything man, if I get kicked off this team, my fuckin life is ova, everything I own is gone, swea people are right when they say you never know what you got till its gon.


Ariala Troy

Mood: 😶

"The worst date ever, I ended it with that nigga last night." I scoffed, cleaning up my office, as my bestfriend Raina sat at my desk.

"So this nigga really ordered for you?"

"Yes girl, had the audacitttyyyyy! I'm just glad it's over, hes just not my type."

"So what's your type miss single? You've been single for forever, when's the last time you had sex?"

My cheeks quickly burned with embarrassment. ".... It's been 3 years.."

"You have got to be fuckin kidding me!"

"Sadly, I'm not."

"What the fuck kind of person goes three years without sex! Got damn, I can't even go a month!"

"I'm not interested in sex Raina, thats not what it's all about."

"Bitch you lyin."

"I'm dead ass." I lied, well I slightly lied, of course I want sex, I mean what single woman doesn't? Especially if its been three years, going on four! But I don't just want sex.

"You amaze me and disgust me on so many different levels." She scoffed.

"The time will come when it's supposed to happen." I laughed, grabbing my purse, and keys.

"Whatever, let me know when you want me to hook you up with some real ass niggas, cus you know I got em." She laughed stickin her tongue out.

"That'll never happen." I laughed, turning out the lights of my office.

We exited my office, just as I was about to lock up my office, one of my co-workers walked up to me.

"Wait Ms. Troy, I have a file to give you." Vallory said handing me a folder.

I took it from her waiting for her to explain. "You have a new patient, everything you need to know is in the file, I'm kind of in a hurry, but you start tomorrow, this is a really important appointment, but I'll catch you around later." She said before running off.

I sighed, before opening the folder, the first thing I noticed was the fact that it said, I would be with the patient for more than two months, that meant that I would be doing home physical therapy..

"So this means goodbye to my office, for a good few months." I sighed, the money is really goo- wait a minute.

Leg fracture ... injury from the NBA.. Celebrity.. My eyes scanned to the top of the paper, and there was the name..

"August Alsina."


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