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I only want what's best for you, not what's good for me.

2 weeks later.
2 A.M.

"Okay Ant, okaaaaay

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"Okay Ant, okaaaaay." Ariala groaned as she inched closer to baby Anthony's crib, and picking him up.

It had been the second time Ant woke her up with his crying and screaming.

"What do you want? I fed you, changed you, put you to sleep, I'm beginning to think you like crying." Ariala spoke, while rocking him in her arms, quieting his cries down.

Ant felt safe and content in her arms, he didn't want anything, he just wanted to be held.. as always.

"I can't keep holding you all the time Ant." She placed a kiss on his head, as he stopped his crying, and enjoyed the time in her arms.

This became an every night routine, since they left the hospital. Although Ariala was exhausted, she was absolutely happy to have Anthony.

"What he complainin bout na?" August's voice growled, as he entered the room.

Ariala, turned facing him, before slightly shrugging. "He just wanted to be held."

August, opened his hands, to take him, from her hold. Ariala gladly gave him up.

"Why ya always tryna be held heh?" He spoke, holding Ant face to face. "You gotta quit dat shi-"

"August, make me slap you." Ariala threatened, causing him to crack a smile.

"My fault, it's a habit."


"Iono what ya finna do patna', but ya ain finna be cryin all night, n we ain finna hold ya eitha."

Ariala pouted, and clasped her hands together. "Baby .. maybe he can sleep with us?"

August straight faced her, causing her to give him the puppy dog eyes.

"Pleaseeee babe, he'll be quiet."


"Babe, please just for tonight."

He looked at Ant, before looking back at her and falling into her puppy dog act, he sighed. "Y'all so spoiled."

Ariala smiled, happily grabbing Ant's favorite teddy bear, and his pillow before exiting the room.

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