Chapter 1: Connie

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(F/n) POV

I woke up to the bright sun shining in my eyes. "Dad?" I murmured, my voice hoarse from my dry throat. "Yes, sweetheart?" my dad called back. I rubbed my eyes before responding, "Are we there yet?" We were moving near my cousin and her parents. But since our house still needed renovations, we had to stay at her house. (that's what i had to go through)

My mother shook her head, her brown locks swiftly swaying. "No, just a few more minutes, honey." she told me. I groaned. It's been like over three days without internet connection. Over three days without anime. Over three days from driving from New York to where ever in the world my cousin lives. I closed my eyes for about fifteen minutes. Suddenly, I heard my mom chirp, "We're here!"

 I looked out the window. My cousin's house was pretty big. Definitely bigger than our old apartment in New York. I admired it's color. A purplish-gray. It seemed to suit the aura around it. The house was three-storied, we would probably be staying on the third floor. It was a nice looking house, at least from the outside. We were still taking out suitcases from the car's trunk. 

"(F/n), honey?" my dad nudged my shoulder with his elbow. "Huh, wha?" I mumbled, being snapped out of my thoughts. My "parents" chuckled. I say it with parentheses because I'm adopted. Though my mom was related to my aunt, so technically i'm not really related to my cousin and her parents? Whatever. I decide not to question it.

"Can you please knock on the door for us? Our hands are full." my dad said. "Oh, sure." I replied, smiling. I knocked three times. There was a pause before a woman opened the door.

 Her face looked strict, but she smiled and said, "Oh! Hello, (y/m/n), (F/n). Come in, come in." she told us, gesturing for us to enter the house.

"CONNIE!" she shouted. A faint, 

"Yes, mom?" was heard from upstairs.

 "Come down here! Your cousin is here!" the woman, who I now presume is my aunt. There was no reply, and a few seconds later, a girl, about my age stepped into the room. "Connie. These are our guests. Please show (F/n)'s parents their room and (F/n) her room." my aunt instructed. "Oh, we can just share, Miss-" my mother started say before being cut off.

"No, no. It's fine. And call me Dr. Maheswaran." my aunt- oops, Dr. Maheswaran said. My dad nodded and Connie shyly told us to follow her. 

"So, Connie, how do you like it here?" my dad asked. 

"I-it's good. I normally venture out into Beach City a lot to hang out, um, with my friend, Steven..." Connie answered quietly with a slight stutter. 

"Oh, that's nice! Maybe you can take (F/n) with you next time you go!" my mom suggested. "Um, okay..." Connie murmured, reaching out for the doorknob to my parents' temporary bedroom. I mentally face palmed. Great. 

"This is your room... For now, at least..." Connie whispered. She sure was shy... 

"Thank you, Connie!" my dad told my introverted cousin. 

"Follow me (F/n)." she said. I nodded. "Here's your room... I'll be in my room if you need anything. Oh, and I'll tell you when it's time to go the Beach City." she told me. 

"What? Really, you don't have to take me with you. It's just-" 

"-yeah, I know." Connie interrupted. I chuckled. "But you can still come along if you want." Connie offered and shrugged. 

"...Sure." I accepted. "Um... Cool. By the way, please don't get freaked out by Steven and his... Uh, friends."

 Connie mumbled. "Why would I be freaked out?" I asked, sort of scared. 

"Never mind that... Just go with the funky flow." Connie laughed a bit at her own "joke". I tilted my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows together with a 'wat' expression "Eh?"

 Connie blushed. "Never mind." she said quickly. Okay then? "J-just be ready to go in 30 minutes..." she stammered. I nodded and waved before going into my room. 

The room was simple. It's walls were painted a light grey and the wood floor had the color of hazelnuts. By the wall that had a window, there was a bed with white sheets and fluffed (f/c) pillows with a white floral design. An empty shelf stuck onto the wall over the bed. The average guest bedroom. Okay, enough admiring!

Time to unpack. 

In about twenty-five minutes, I was done unpacking and touching up the room. The walls were now covered a few anime posters. The once empty shelf was now filled with books and had my phone charging on top of it. The bed now had stuffed animals on them. Mind as well decorate since we'll be here for a bit, right?

I still had five minutes. I picked up my phone and went to the iTunes app. Selecting the song, "Haven't You Noticed (I'm a Star)", I started dancing and singing along. 

I hadn't noticed a knock on the door and a few moments later, I saw Connie trying not to laugh rudely in my room. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Oh- Um, sorry. I knocked and you weren't answering, so I thought something was wrong!" she explained.

 "It's fine. It was my fault... Oh my god, I can't believe you saw that." I groaned. 

"No, you sing good." Connie complimented. 

"Hm, LIES! But thanks though." I laughed. 

"Well... Should we go...?" Connie asked. 

"Sure." I shrugged and grabbed my phone and dark brown and (f/c) satchel before we both headed out to Beach City.

Word Count: 872 words

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