Chapter 9: Alone Time

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     Third person POV

(F/n) hummed to herself happily while her mom drove her to Steven's place. She was going to have a sleep over with him for the first time! That is, without Connie. Connie's parents wouldn't let her go see Steven for a bit since that... Incident.


"Steven, I don't really think this is safe. I mean, there's a sign right there that says specifically in bold letters, 'DO NOT STEP ON GRASS. WILL TRIGGER DOG.' " Connie warned. Steven waved his friend off and chuckled.

 "Connie, I'll be fine. I'm practically a human shield." Steven chuckled and pointed at his gem. 

"Are you sure? Believe me, I've done this a ton of times, and I have a lot of scars." (F/n) shivered.

"I told you, guys, I'll be fine!" Steven whined, "Plus, I really wanna get my frisbee back." he said, pointing to his toy, stuck in a tree that was right over the house with the dog. 

"Fine. Be careful." 

Steven lightly put his foot on the grass, clenching his fists and shutting his eyes tightly just in case a dog jump-scared him or something. When nothing happened, Steven shot Connie and (F/n) a playful cocky look and stepped both feet onto the grass. 

"Seeeee! I told you guys-"

Suddenly there was a dog trying to eat his face off. "AHHH, HELP ME! I REGRET EVERYTHING!" Steven cried. 

But the fact that the dog was a white poodle with pink frilly hair bows made you burst out laughing.

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" Steven shrieked. "Okay, okay, buddy, hold on." Connie sighed and ran over to help him. 

"Good, diversion, Steven." (F/n) murmured and went to climb the tree and fetch his frisbee. 

~~~Timeskip to when you and Connie go back home~~~

"CONNIE WHAT HAPPENED?!" Connie's dad shouted, outraged and glaring daggers at Steven. You see, Connie had a small bite-mark on her forearm from trying to pry the dog off of Steven. 

"Dad, it's only a small-"


Connie groaned as her mother slammed the door on Steven's face, him pouting cutely. She then was sent to her room to do homework.

**Back to present**

"Are you sure you sure you want to stay at this boy's house, (F/n)?" (F/n)'s mother asked her daughter. 

"I'm sure. Plus, it would be kinda boring because Connie's parents banned her from seeing me too." you laughed. But, in the back of your mind, you thought about how much alone time you two would finally have.

"Mhm." she hummed in response.

~~~Timeskip to the barn~~~

"Steven! I'm here!" (F/n) called out. Steven poked his head out of the barn and ran over to hug you, squealing, "Hiiiii!" 

You giggled and hugged him back. "Come on, we'll be sleeping in the barn again, since we're still working on the drill." Steven said, tugging his friend's arm lightly.

Suddenly, she felt a bit guilty, feeling like she were in the way of getting the drill done. 

Steven seemed to notice. "Hey, it's fine. I like hanging out with you anyway. You're really cool." Steven reassured. 

(F/n) nodded and smiled, following him into the barn. 

~~~Timeskip to after setting things up~~~

"All done!" Steven grinned and sat down on a dark blue fluffy blanket. "What do you wanna do?"

"I dunno, I was gonna ask you." (F/n) shrugged. "Oh, what's it like being a gem anyway?"

Steven paused for a moment, pondering on what he was gonna say. 

"Well, it's great actually! Kinda cool since I'm basically my mother, her giving up her physical form, ya know? (Chryssi-chan: No Steven, we don't know. I think your dad should talk to you about how human babies are made) I mean, Malachite is still under the ocean... Peridot's a Crystal Gem now. She called Yellow Diamond a clod!" he stopped to laugh, "She looked super mad, and I dunno, she's either gonna send another gem to escort her back to Homeworld so she can break her or she's gonna leave her stranded... I really care about Peri though, she's learning about the Earth and stuff, plus it's interesting with her around. Being a Crystal Gem is awesome, but it still is stressful." Steven sighed. 

"Aw, I'm here for you, buddy." you cooed, wrapping an arm around Steven playfully. Steven giggled. "Thanks, (N/n)."

"Don't mention it, Stev-a-roo."


"I dunno, it's your nickname now."


"Wanna play truth or dare?" Steven asked. 

"Eh. I'm game." you replied. 

"(F/n), you can go first." Steven said.

"'Kay. Stevieeee, truth or dare?" you asked. 

"Uhm... Truth- No dare! I dunno! WHY IS THIS GAME SO HARD?!"

"Steven, you picked the game."

"Right. Anyway, uh, truth?" 

"Who is your crush?" (F/n) giggled, wiggling her eyebrows. But in the back of her mind, she silently prayed that it was her. Steven's face turned a light pink and he looked down. 

"I- uh, don't have one." he mumbled.

"Steven, this is truth or dare. You can't lie or not do a dare. Kinda the point of the game." (F/n) reminded him. 

"Fine. I like..." Steven mumbled, "...Connie." he whispered.

You literally felt your heart break. 

(F/n) cursed in her head, because it would be inappropriate to do so out loud. But who was she kidding? Connie was like gold compared to her. She was smart, pretty, and she was Steven's best friend. You felt as if you were only number two. And always will be.

"O-oh." (F/n) stammered and mentally slapping herself for stuttering.

 "Something wrong?" 

"Nooo~! It's just that I already shipped you guys like ever since, three weeks ago...?" Steven blushed and punched you lightly on the arm. 

"Haha... Let's just forget it, okay? I don't want Connie to know. Anyways, (F/n), truth or dare?" Steven asked, trying to change the subject.

"TRUTH!" you shouted confidently. "Who's your crush?"


(Chryssi-chan: And at that moment she realized. She fucked up)

"Err- Well-"

"C'mon, I told you mine!" Steven laughed.

"I-I like y-"

Then there suddenly was a loud crash coming from far away. Yet, it felt really close. 

"LET GO OF ME, YOU FILTHY CLOD!" Peridot's shriek rang through the room from outside.

Word count: 1073 words

Note from Chryssi-chan: Ooooh~ Cliffhanger ^w^ Also, you guys don't mind if I add a non-canon character... Right? Eh, I don't care, you no-likey, you no-readey. That doesn't make sense, but whatever.

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