Chapter 10: Captured

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    Steven Universe POV

I blinked my eyes open and looked beside me. (F/n) was sleeping, or knocked out with a very noticeable bruise on her right arm's elbow and small cuts all over her face. Where were we? This was the hand ship all over again! Was Malachite un-fused?! I brought (F/n) into this and it was all my fault!

"(F/n)...?" I mumbled quietly. Suddenly, I heard a voice outside of the tiny cell I was in. It sounded younger and feminine. 

"Yellow Diamond, I have captured Peridot F- Facet-2-F-5-L, Cut-5-X-G in cell G-1-6. I will make my way back to Homeworld once I check on Rose Quartz and another human in cell A-1-3." 

"Good. I assume that the Crystal Gems are imprisoned too?" 

I recognized this voice- Yellow Diamond.

"Yes, Yellow Diamond."

"I expect them to be here by tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes, Yellow Diamond."

I gasped. A homeworld gem was taking us to... Well, homeworld. I suddenly heard footsteps slowly walking over to our cell. I could just make a run for it and find the gems... But what about (F/n)?

"(F/n)! Wake up!" 

"Steven, five more minutes..." she murmured.

"(F/n), please this is serious!" I whisper-yelled.

"What is it?" she yawned and stretched. "Wait- where are we?" she sputtered as she sat up.


"Ahem." we quickly turned to see a blue gem staring boringly at us from outside of our cell. (See pic above! That's my gemsona! I drew it :3 Just imagine the stars on her shorts as diamonds) "Where are we?!" (F/n) hissed.

"Hi. You're in my ship." she replied. (I actually imagine them being less cold than Peridots)

"Why are we here?" (F/n) asked. 

"Well, the Crystal Gems are simply just in the way of the Cluster growing, and Yellow Diamond has assigned me to capture the Peridot, so she can break her for disobeying her and destroy the Crystal Gems. Sorry, er, I mean, I hate you a lot." the gem replied. 

"Who are you?" I asked.

"So he speaks." she chuckled, "Why do you need to know? Are you spying on me?" 

"How would I spy on you? ... Well, just curious though." I shrugged.

 "I'm a Chrysocolla."

"So you belong to Yellow Diamond? Like Peridot is- Well, I mean used to be." I asked. 

"No. My diamond is Blue Diamond."

 "Why are you doing this?" (F/n) shouted, obviously pissed and confused. Chrysocolla was silent for a while, staring at her blue flats. 

"...It's my duty. Nothing you little human wouldn't understand." she sneered. "But you just said-

"Er- i'ma go now." Chrysocolla squealed.

(F/n) growled. But she kept asking questions angrily. 

I kept my mind on how to escape. I mean, the bars weren't that close together. but I couldn't without Chrysocolla here. If she saw me try to come out, she would instantly kill me or something. She seemed too nice though, I dunno. 

"If the Crystal Gems are such a threat anyway, why don't Homeworld Gems just come and attack?" I mumbled to myself, not intending for Chrysocolla and (F/n) to hear. 

"You don't think we've already tried?" Chrysocolla huffed, "You don't think we've tried taking down you rebels? You should know this, Rose. You are the leader of the rebellion. You caused the war. You caused this all." she frowned.

She began to walk away before saying, "If it weren't for you, the Earth would belong to Homeworld. If it weren't for you and your pity love for humans, this wouldn't happen."

(F/n) stayed silent, even after Chrysocolla had stormed off. "She thinks you're Rose Quartz?" she finally asked. 

"Well, yeah. I have her gem." I shrugged. "Right, so how do we get out of here?" 

I simply just stuck half my body through the cell bars. "Hah... Chrysocolla is stupid if she thinks she can keep people in these cells." (F/n) snickered. "Hm, I think they're meant for larger gems." I replied, sticking my hand out. (F/n) nodded and waited for me to go out first.

"C'mon! Let's go!" I gasped, squeezing through the bars. (F/n) raised an eyebrow looking at me weirdly before quickly slipping through as well. "Let's go." she said confidently. 

Word count: 678 words.

Note from Chryssi-chan: Oooh~ You met Chryssi! Or me, I guess. Author-san isn't always this cold and snappy, don't worry I just didn't have a nap and slept at 1:30 am last night. Also thank chu for all the reads and votes! 

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