Chapter 12: Escape

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     (F/n) POV

"So where's the gems?" I asked. 

"Go through hall Y. They're around cell 6-8 I think. But since I unlocked all the cells, they might be somewhere else." Chrysocolla instructed.

"Steven!" Pearl exclaimed from behind us. Garnet noticed Chrysocolla first and summoned her gauntlets. Alarmed, Chrysocolla immediately summoned her bo staff (with a blade on each end). Garnet was about to charge to her before Steven blocked her. 

"It's okay, she's with us!" Garnet eyed Chrysocolla skeptically before nodding slowly.

 "I'm going to go turn this ship around." Chrysocolla said and ran towards the control room. We all nodded before we felt the ship start to turn around suddenly. Hey, she can move fast. 

It was not long until we heard loud rumbles from outside the ship.

"Uhh, what was that?" Amethyst asked. "Other ships seem to be blasting us." Pearl gasped. "What do we do?" I asked.

"We will try and fight them off." Pearl replied.

 "What? But I wanna help!" I whined. 

"It's dangerous, (F/n)." Steven told me. 

"Let's go, Steven." Amethyst called. The gems were already rushing to the control room. Steven was about to run after them.

 "How come Connie can fight?" 

"Connie isn't here."

"But if she was here, you would let her help."

"Well, yes, I mean- Well, she had training."

"It's because you like her more than me, isn't it?" I asked sadly. "I like you both equally!" Steven said. "You just admitted to me that you like her last night!" 

"No I didn't..." Steven lied. 

"Steven, yes you did." I said. "Why are you bringing Connie into this anyway?" he asked. 

"It's unfair!" I cried.

"Fine, I like Connie as a crush. I like you as a friend. This is serious, (F/n)! Do you really want to die?! Something could happen to you!" I shook my head 'no' after a while, and Steven took my silence as a surrender, since he ran off to go help the gems. 

It's not fair. 

That's it, I'm helping, whether say I can or not. I started to sprint to the control room when the rumbles from outside the ship became louder and louder. This caused me to run even faster. Finally, I saw the control room about twenty feet away!

I ran as fast as I could to the control room. I was about to say something when my mind processed what was happening.

I froze at what I saw. There was a big hole on the ceiling and two large gems were inside, steering ship toward what I assumed was Homeworld. The gems and Chrysocolla were tied up with a lock. I gasped quietly.

"Hey. Looks like I have myself in a pickle. Speaking of pick, can you pick this lock?" she laughed at her own stupid pun.

The big gems still hadn't noticed I was here, so I immediately took the pin out of my hair and picked the locks. 

"Thanks, human!" (Papyrus?) Steven looked at me thankfully and all of us rushed to another room. 

"Great job, (F/n)." Pearl said. Steven nodded. 

"Yeah, um, thanks." I nodded back. 

"We need an escape pod, but I'm not sure how to summon one with those gems in the control room." Garnet said. 

"Don't worry. I've got this." Chrysocolla smirked.


"Hey!" Chrysocolla called to the gems from outside the control room. They turned around, quickly, a startled look on their faces. "I escaped, come and get me!" she shouted and ran to another direction. 

Outraged, the gems ran after her, giving us a chance to summon an escape pod. "Alright, let's go back home." Garnet declared. 

"No! I mean, what about Chrysocolla?" Steven asked. 

"Steven, we need to go now." 

"No! She helped us!" I cried. "We need to-"

"I'm here!" Chrysocolla panted. "Come on, let's-"

"You're not going anywhere." a gem growled and picked Chrysocolla up by her pigtails. 

"Ow, watch it!" she pouted.

Chrysocolla summoned her bo staff and blocked the gem's katana from slaying her. 

"I... Can't hold it... Much longer..." Chrysocolla panted and her arms seemed to be less steady.

She turned to us and shouted, "If you ever meet Rhyolite somehow, tell her I tried!" And then she gave up trying to block the katana and was poofed. A blue water-drop shaped gem fell onto the ground.

"No!" Steven cried and hopped out of the escape pod. "Steven! Wait!" I called and dashed after him. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" one of the gems smirked. "Trying to escape?" 

I gasped and quickly grabbed Chrysocolla's gem, the gem raising her katana, ready to strike. I shut my eyes ready for the impact. But it never came. I opened my eyes slowly. Steven was blocking off the katana with his shield! "(F/n), go!" 

I nodded and hopped into the escape pod with Chrysocolla in my hands. Steven ran backwards and stumbled into the pod as well. 

"Garnet, go, go, go!" Steven told her. Garnet nodded and pressed a few buttons, and soon we were teleported outside the ship and were zooming towards the Earth.

We landed with a loud thud and I rubbed my head, groaning in pain. "Wait, wheres- Oh." I mumbled, realizing Chrysocolla had fallen onto the ground. I examined her carefully, making sure there were no cracks or scratches. Unfortunately, there was a large scratch. I looked at Steven and we both cringed.

"Here. I don't know what to do with her." I mumbled wearily and handed Steven Chrysocolla. 

"Oh, um, thank you. I guess I should bubble her, huh?" Steven said quietly. The gems nodded along with me, and soon a pink bubble surrounded the gem. I heard Steven whisper, "Thank you, Chrysocolla." before the gem vanished into the burning room.

"And- Uh, thanks, (F/n). You know for saving us back there." Steven rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. 

"Don't mention it. Ya know, I've been meaning to ask... If I could train like Connie does. If it's not too much to ask." 

Steven nodded excitedly. "Of course! ...But first we'll need to find our way home."

Word count: 954 words

Note from Chryssi-chan: Ah~ Finally got this finished. Anyway, so yeah. Chrysocolla wasn't a major character. I just added her in because I was like, "Who the fuck should I let drive the ship?" She also is a big part in helping the gems and you escape. If you wanna know Chryssi's past, I'll probably tell you another time.

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