Chapter 15: The Truth

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      *I update because ya'll keep me going. 0u0*    

     (F/n) POV

I stormed into my house, slamming the door behind me. (did i tell you guys the house if finished?? whoops)

"Hi, honey." my mother greeted me, looking up from her magazine. I ignored her and ran upstairs into my room. I could tell she was frowning since she didn't say anything. That's just how she is when she's upset or disappointed. 

Once I got to my room, I threw myself onto my bed. 

And just laid there.



For maybe like five minutes. 

"(F/n), sweetie. Connie's here to see you!" my father called from downstairs. Crap. But it's not like neither of us would care. But that's a lie. Because I don't want her to know how Steven feels about her. Because I know she likes him back. (Chryssi: Dumbass, you don't know that)

Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was obviously Connie. I snuggled deeper into my (f/c) and (s/f/c) (second favorite color) sweater. (IF YOU WERENT WEARING A SWEATER. SCREW THAT, YOU ARE NOW)

"(F/n)? You there?" I heard Connie ask softly. 

"(F/n)'s not here... She's in sweater town." I mumbled. (Whoever gets that reference... I praise you)

"Is she gonna come out of sweater town?" Connie asked, coming into my room and sitting besides me. I shook my head no. Connie sighed and I felt her give me a small, awkward hug.

There was an awkward tension in the air, and it was making everything worse. "(F/n), what was that all about?" Connie asked. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I whispered in reply. 

"You looked upset. Who am I kidding? You were crying."


"Don't lie please." 

I took a deep breath. "Connie..."


I paused, pondering over if it was worth telling Connie. Sticking my head a bit out of my sweater, I mumbled. "I... Like Steven, alright? And I know he likes you. It's just painful seeing... My crush... And my cousin... Liking each other. Admit it, I know you like him too."

Connie stared at me as if she was still processing what I had just said. "I know... You probably think I'm really stupid and an idiot right now..." I sighed. 


I didn't reply, only looked away blushing. Connie put a hand on my shoulder. "I actually kind of knew you liked Steven... I just didn't know he liked me." 

I blushed harder. I didn't keep eye contact, in fact, I looked everywhere but Connie's face.

"...Ya know? In fact I think I..."

I closed my eyes, awaiting her confession about her feelings about Steven. 

"...Don't like Steven in that way." 

I released the breath that I hadn't even realized I was holding. I stared at my Cousin wide eyed. "Seriously?" 

"Seriously. Why are you so surprised?" Connie chuckled. 

"It's just that he's so cute and has a great personality! How can you not like him?! But I'm still relieved that you don't." I replied.

Connie giggled. "Maybe he's perfect for you. But maybe not for me. There's this cool guy that I know at school. He of course, doesn't know I exist though, hah." she gushed. I laughed. She laughed. Everyone laughed. Well, everyone would laugh if it weren't just the two of us in the room. 

Suddenly, I felt my cheeks heat up at the realization that Steven saw me with a gross face. "Oh my gosh! What did Steven say about me?" I squealed in embarrassment. 

"Nah, he didn't say anything mean or anything. He's just not that kind of kid. He has your donut though. Sorry about that. I just lost track of time." Connie explained. 

"Oh, okay. And it's cool."

Connie nodded and looked over at the kitty-clock (It's one of those clocks in the shape of a cat) on the wall. "Oh, jeez. I should get going, or I'll be late for Violin practice." Connie sighed. "See ya tomorrow." I said, waving.

"Okay. See ya, (N/n)."


Word count: 632 words/ Oh gosh, this is a slightly short one.

Note from Chryssi-chan: Holy cheese-itz. That ending was so lame. I'm dying. Especially because this is supposed to be an important chapter. Oh god. /dead/

The future chapters will include (F/n)-chan starting to train like Connie-sama. Now I just have to debate on which weapon you will use. Feel free to suggest a weapon you would like to use! Not that many people comment or anything- It's usually the same people. And they are beautiful. Not that you all aren't beautiful. But still. 


I swear I love you all. ;u; You're the ones who motivate me to update.

I am freaking dying.

Let's hope I can make it to 100 votes!

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