Simple Day

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I just woke up in my bed. The sunlight was gleaming on my chest. I looked next to me to see Laurence watching me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I yelled as I slapped Laurence's cheek.

"Oh my slap hard," Laurance laughed.

"Oh my irene, I'm so sorry, I just saw a person was watching me sleep...wait, why were you watching me sleep?"

"I was making sure nothing happened to you, besides you look so beautiful when you sleep...,"

"Okay...well, I'm gonna get up and check the village, I advice you leave my room,"

"Yes, m'lady," Laurence said as he left my room.

I've been getting used to Laurance flirting with me, but I can't tell if this is cute or creepy. I eventually got up and saw myself already dressed in my purple dress with a flower crown, I'm always already dressed. I looked outside my window. There was Phoenix Drop, my little town that I'm the lord to. I saw Dante up on the gates, guarding them again, his blue hair ain't hard to spot. I could see Garroth by the old guard station. I decided to finally leave my room, and I opened the door to see Laurence at the end of the hallway.

"I just checked on the kids, their fine,  just playing blocks," Laurence said as I walked up to him.

"Thanks, Laurance, now I'm gonna check the village if you don't mind," I smiled.

"I don't mind at all, I'll be by the guard tower,'' Laurance said as he walked downstairs and went outside.

I stood for awhile and was in my own world. I snapped back into reality and went outside to say hi to Garroth.

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