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I ran over to see Garroth by the station. He was just standing there watching the village, he didn't even notice I was next to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, Garroth," I said.

"What the...oh sorry Lord Aphmau, you startled me," Garroth shyly replied.

"Sorry, I just wanted to know what's going on, if anything bad usual,"

"Surprisingly nothing has happened today, no crisis at all, I'm surprised myself,"

"Heh, a lot of bad things usually come here, sometimes some are better than others, and sometimes its a blessing,"

"Yeah," Garroth mumbled.

I saw Laurence running over to us, he was trying to say something...but we couldn't hear him. Next thing we saw was the gates opening, there were a large group of men coming through...though it wasn't clear. I looked up top to see Dante wasn't awake, he had an arrow in his arm, an arrow that knocked him out.

"We're being attacked, Dante was knocked out, Garroth! We need to attack them, Aphmau run!" Laurance yelled as he got closer.

"I ain't running," I replied.

"Then please don't get hur..," Laurance tried to say but he was shot by an arrow.

Laurance was slowly limping to the men with his sword. His eyes were closing every time. He was passing out, Garroth was fighting off the men, but it wasn't going to be long until he was shot also. I grabbed my sword only to see an arrow in my shoulder. I slowly started to pass out, next thing I saw was Laurance attempting to fight. I then closed my eyes hoping that maybe Garroth can do it somehow...or maybe the pass out effect wouldn't last long...please...

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