Officially Married

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I'm wearing a silky white gown with a lavender silk belt thing around my chest. My hair is down and my veil is on with a lavender flower over the top of it. I also am wearing lavender heels. I look stunning, I just wish the scenario was better. The ladies put a lot of makeup on me, so if I cry my mascara would run down my face like a waterfall. The ladies were all smiling at me, all of them looking like they would love to switch places with me. I happily would, if I could.

"You look beautiful!" The pink lady exclaimed as she stepped back a bit.

"Thank you, really," I whispered.

"It was no problem sweetie, I want you to look absolutely beautiful for your wedding," She exclaimed again.

As she said that I looked down and tried hard not to cry. The ladies looked at me strangely.

"Did SHE say something wrong?" The green lady asked.

"No, its nothing," I whispered again.

"Do you not want to marry Zane?"

I shook my head.

"Wow, well OMI its time for you to go down the isle! Go GO!" The purple one exclaimed as she pushed me out the door.

I was in the room. The walls were a pearly white as were the floors. The were almost a million chairs and each one was already occupied and full. There was a light blue carpet leading to the huge wedding arch with lavender and light blue flowers all around it. I saw a priest who was looking straight at his book and there was Zane. He was staring at me in his black tux and he had a light blue bow tie.

An Ok'hasis guard came and started to walk me down the aisle. I don't want to do this. I have to do this. I kept saying to myself, hoping for a chance to leave. I stared ahead and went in front of Zane and stared at him, trying not to look scared. The priest started to talk but got cut off by Zane saying "Just cut to the chase," and the priest smiled and started to talk.

"So Aph-moo do you take Zane to be your lovely wedded husband?" The priest asked me.

"Ugh...I-I...I do," I hesitated.

"Now Zane do you take Aph-moo, to be your beautiful wedded wife?"

"I do," Zane sighed.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

"I ain't kissing her," Zane whispered.

"Then kiss her hand!" The priest whispered.

"Fine," Zane said reaching for my hand.

I wanted to reject him, but that would've lowered my chances of keeping Phoenix Drop safe. So I gave out my hand and he kissed it, I am going to clean it a thousand times tonight.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" The priest exclaimed.

Zane for a second held my hand but then let it go like I had cooties. We are now married, I am now stuck with Zane. I was not saved, I am not home. I must accept this, even though it was hard enough to imagine this fate. The wedding was barely a wedding. There was no cake, there was no socializing. The wedding was over when we became husband and wife. Probably because Zane has no friends, and I knew no one here.

Once everyone left, Zane told me to follow him. We were indeed in his house, his castle. It is nice, grey cobblestone walls everywhere I turn. Nightmares everywhere I look. An unwanted fate that will never leave, a fate that has become mine.

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