[Book 2: Tell me!]

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~de time skip to night time~

Everyone should be asleep, but Malachi promised he would be awake. So, he better. He said he'll come to my room, because I'm too loud and I'll wake everyone up if I went to him. Which is a lie...sort of. BUT STILL! I sat on my bed impatiently, staring at the ceiling. Finally I heard my door creak.

"FINALLY!" I whispered.

"I was tired, okay!" He whispered as he shut the door.

"So, are you going to tell me?" I asked.

"I'll tell you about a bit of it right now," Malachi sighed.

"Okay," I said enthusiastically .

"First off, Garroth was your uncle and along with Laurance was Mom's guards," Malachi narrated.

"Guards? Did Mom get guards when she married Dad?" I asked.

"No, Mom used to be a lord before she married Za-I mean Dad, she was the lord of a village named Phoenix Drop," Malachi mumbled.

"Phoenix Drop? Where's that?" I asked happily.

"In our region," Malachi said.

"Well, I want to see it!" I almost yelled before catching myself.

"Zara, we can't just go and see it! I don't even know if it's still there," Malachi whispered.

"Please!" I begged.

"Zara, we can't," He sighed.

"Malachi please! I want to see it!" I begged now on my knees.

"Ughh..fine! But if we're going to see the place, we might as well leave now," He sighed as he held his forehead.

"Yay! Also can you tell me the rest!" I jumped up.

"As we travel there, yes, also...we might need to take some guard outfits to get out there," He wondered.

"Don't worry I got it! I'm friends with one of the guards, he'll lend us some guard uniforms!" I said happily moving towards the door.

"Okay, then...wait who's your friend!?" He said surprised.

"None of your business! Now come on!" I managed to somehow whisper.

~Just wanted to show this skin I made of Zara...hmmm that dress =P~

hmmm that dress =P~

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