Strike 2 (Laurance's View)

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If only she stayed...I could've told her...I was to going to tell her, but she left. I'm still just standing here, wondering what to do. Telling her seemed to be my only what? At some point Garroth is going to ask me where she is, and if Zane is in his room or somewhere else...and I have to provide an answer.

I am stupid...why did I even tell Garroth of Dante's plan in the first place? What was I expecting? Heartbroken Garroth to say "Oh, how terrible! We shall never do that!" ughh...I question my thoughts...

"Laurance! Are we ready?" Garroth said enthusiastically with his sword to his side. How happy he is to murder...makes me sick.

"Aphmau and Zane aren't in their rooms," I responded.

"Dang it..."

"Perhaps, we should abandon this whole thing!?"

"No...w-...I PLANNED THIS ALL OUT! I'm not going to abandon this whole plan because of one little mishap,"

"Then what are you suggesting?"

"We'll wait it out! First let's find where they went!" Garroth said with a dark tone.

Garroth lead me through the halls, as I thought more and more about this plan. There has to be a way to stop this! I can't let Zane die from our selfishness...yet...I still think I deserved Aphmau. What am I thinking? I can't decide Aphmau's thoughts or actions! I can't make her like me either.

"There they are!" Garroth whispered as he pointed outside, with his sword still to his side.

I looked outside, where Garroth was pointing, and sighed. I'm sorry, Aphmau...

"Why do I love you? There are so many reasons, first off..." I heard Aphmau say to Zane.

"What is she saying...? Am I hearing right?" Garroth looked horrified as he spoke.

"I love how much you care, I love how much you're willing to change, I love the good and the bad of you, and I love how much you've done to prove you're still good, and so much more" Aphmau smiled as she kissed Zane on the lips.

I looked at Garroth, he clearly heard everything. His expression went mad, insane even. He grabbed his sword and ran towards Aphmau and Zane. With me chasing behind him.

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