Small Hope

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~Whelp here u go...hopefully u won't poison my fridge...O-O right @MandyDoesGames ? RIGHT?!?!~

Was Zane actually being sincere...? I'm back in my room now and I'm just questioning everything that has happened. Why am I so calm...why do I actually think Zane can change? I heard knock on the door and I opened the door. It was Zane...

"Zane...?" I questioned.

"Aphmau! Here I brought you some cake..." Zane said handing me the white cake with purple frosting.

I took the cake and looked at him strangely. Was he really being nice to me...?

"Thank you...but why are you giving this to me...?" I asked.

"It's our wedding after all, we had cake so I gave some to you, we're married after all aren't we?" He rolled his eyes, trying to play it off as he didn't care.

"Well, thanks anyways," I said while shutting the door.

Zane stopped the door from shutting and smirked.

"Before you shut the door, do you think that maybe tomorrow we can talk?" Zane blushed.

"Umm...yeah...why?" I said.


"Why can't we do it today? It's still only around 3..."



"Good, I'll be going then..."

"You know I'm right across the hall right?"

"...bye" Zane said blushing while going into his room.

Why is Zane being nice to me all of the sudden? It's pretty cute to be honest...

~Thank you guys for the...4K READS? O-O OMI~

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