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I ended up passing out last night, I passed out from crying. At some point an Ok'hasis guard must've came in to give me food, because there is a plate of food lying in front of me. Even though I can barely even touch a bit of it. I looked around to see it was brighter than it was before. It's morning perhaps...wait a sec...OMI IT'S MY WEDDING DAY! No...No...NO! I was wishing this was all a bad dream...but it's a nightmare of no escape. I started to panic, I don't want this. Just look on the bright side Aphmau...this could allow me to stop Zane from hurting Phoenix Drop...I guess.

I realized that an Ok'hasis guard was in front of me. He was ordering the others to unleash me from my chains. He looked at me and snickered.

"So, you Zane's new wife?" The guard asked.

"Let me out!" I yelled.

"Feisty huh? Well sorry, we have to get you ready for your wedding, so be happy and whatever," The guard said.

The other two guards brought me upstairs away from the dungeon. I was now in a castle. Because from the inside I think its a castle. They lead me to a bright room with golden lights shimmering everywhere. There were 3 ladies. One had pink short hair, a pink dress, light pink stockings, and pink heels. The other ladies looked just like her except one was wearing purple and the other one was wearing green.

"OMI, YOU MUST BE APHMAU! I am so jealous of you, you get to marry Zane!" The pink girl exclaimed.

"Yeah, I must be so lucky," I rolled my eyes.

"Well sit down and we'll get you ready for your wedding," The green one said pointing to the chair.

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