[Book 2: Outside the Doors]

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Malachi and I stepped outside with the Ok'hasis guard uniform on, the guard gave it to me. I've decided I'll call him Derpy! He seemed fine with the name after all, even though he looked at me shocked when I called him that...

No one should be out here except us and the guards, it is curfew right now. We just have to blend in with the guards. We're both wearing helmets so they shouldn't be able to recognize us. Malachi and I walked cautiously down the pathway towards the gates. So far, we seemed unnoticed. All the other guards stood around with their swords in their hands, preparing for a non-existent fight. The others just stood their half-asleep.

Eventually we arrived near the gates. Surprisingly open, you would think they would be closed in case of attack, unless the guards are that cocky. And just as we were walking outside the gates, a guard appeared in front of our way.

"Excuse me, why are you going out there?" The guard asked.

"W-we thought we heard a noise behind the walls," Malachi said nervously.

"Do you want us to send other guards with you?" What I had noticed to be a she, said.

"N-no we got it," Malachi said as he grabbed my arm as we walked out there.

"Be careful! And if you see anything suspicious call for us!" She said going to other guards to presumably check on them.

When we walked out we sprinted towards the forest, out of sight of any guards.

"That was a close one," Malachi sighed as he threw his helmet to the ground.

"Yeah," I said throwing my helmet down next to his, causing them to collide.

"Here, just in case," Malachi said handing me a iron sword.

"I don't need it," I smiled.

"You're going to need defense, I already have an iron sword, so you're need one too, I'll teach you how to use it" He seemed confused.

"I already know how, besides I have this!" I said holding out the emerald sword.

"H-how did you get this!? I thought Mom hid it!?" He said in shock and anger.

"I-I found it on the walls in a room, was it important, I'm sorry...," I apologized.

"I-it's alright...just be careful with it, it means a lot to Mom," He said unsure.

"Why is it important? Was it hers?" I asked.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, let's go further and set camp, if we camp here that guard will find us," He said as he ran through the forest, with me trailing behind.

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