Our Little Girl (Aphmau's POV)

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~8 months later + one pregnancy later...eww...~

"Aphmau! Its a girl!" Zane said ecstatically.

"Do you wish to hold her?" The O'khasis Doula (<- I had to search this word up =P) said.

"Yes," I said, wishing I said this "OF COURSE I WANT TO HOLD HER, ITS MY BABY!"

The Doula walked over to me, and handed me my daughter, secured in a soft grey blanket . I cradled her in my arms and smiled. She was fast asleep, I can't even describe how cute she looked. Her fair skin was so soft, as I caressed her cheek. To think this was just the beginning.

"Hey...Aphmau...did we think of a name?" Zane asked.

"Ermm...heh, no," I stared at him absently.

"Well, we need to name her, and I have no clue what to name her,"

"Well, thanks for help and insight, Zane" I said sarcastically.

Now a name...what will I name her...I should've thought about this earlier. Or perhaps I did name her and I forgot...Uh, I don't know. I need to think of something...

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