[Book 2: Mysterious Figure]

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I stretched my arms as I woke, only for sunlight hit my face. I got up from the ground to see Malachi pacing back and forth.

"Good morning," I said looking at Malachi.

"It's about time you woke up! We should get going," Malachi said walking further in the forest.

"I just woke up! Besides I'm hungry," I replied.

"Who knows when they'll realize we're gone so we should go, but here," Malachi sighed handing me an apple.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"I took some food before we left and put it in a bag, and yes it's still good," He said holding up the bag.

"Thanks," I said while biting into the apple.

Malachi then continued to walk further into the forest, as I followed behind. It almost seemed to be a distorted path we followed, due to the fact the forest wasn't anything special except full of trees and bushes. There seemed to be a small path where nothing blocked the way, Malachi said we'll be caught to easily if we followed it.

"Hey, Malachi," I asked as we kept walking.

"Yeah," He replied.

"Are we any closer?" I asked.

"We should be, according to my map, at the end of this forest should be an ocean, there I will have to craft a boat," He said.

"Where did you get a map? And you know how to craft a boat?" I asked once again.

"I'm not that stupid to head out here with no idea to get to Phoenix Drop, also we had a lot of books, I had to do something in my meantime...there I found a map of the region and another how to craft a boat," Malachi replied.

"Oh, anyways are you going to answer my question from yesterday?" I asked (surprise...AGAIN)

"Yeah, just wait a moment," Malachi said raising his map.

I stood there waiting for an answer, then turning around to see a dark figure that contrasted from the bright forest. The figure had a sword of purple. Malachi was still looking at his map...that gives me time. I sighed before I ran off in the same direction as the mysterious figure.


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