[Book 2: Statues of the Past]

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I asked mom if I could go out, she said yes, only if Malachi came with me. Something about her being afraid of me getting taken. Even though I can fight myself! Heh, how? I sorta found a room with a sword hung up...emerald green. One day I took it and found myself tearing up a couch in the same room. Luckily no one ever goes in that room, its weird. But I've been sneaking down stairs where the guards stay, they have some training dummies in that room. And one guard has been training me a bit, he kind of acts a bit derpy but I don't want to say that. He's nice, yet he never says his name.

"Be careful!" Mom said as she saw Malachi and I walk out the door.

"We will," Malachi responded before he shut the door.

It was bright outside, well duh. There were multiple houses and markets. There was a lady with bright pink hair and cat ears near her house. Next to her a girl with light blue hair and cat ears as well.

"Where do you want to go," Malachi asked.

"Errr..." I said unsure.

How could I forget, I asked to go out and I don't know where. In the corner of my eye there was an opening with stone fence around it. Perhaps something interesting is there.

"There!" I said as I led him to the opening.

Except the opening led to something that wasn't what I thought...it was a graveyard. And in the middle were two statues...

"H-here?" Malachi asked a bit shaken up.

I nodded as I walked towards the statues. One was of a man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a guard outfit of sorts. It had the Ok'hasis symbol on the chest. In his hand was a diamond sword.

The other statue was a man with light brown hair and light blue eyes. His outfit more differed. In his hand an emerald sword like mine. Under their statues on a stone podium was a plate that read their names. "Here lies Garroth Ro'meave and Laurance Zvahl, may they rest as heroes"

"Malachi, who is Garroth and Laurance?" I asked.

"Zara, we should get going, come on," He responded.

"Malachi, I want to know, you know I'm just going to keep asking, maybe I should ask Mom," I said.

"I'll tell you later, just come on," He sighed.

"Promise?" I asked hopefully.

"Promise," He said grabbing my hand as we walked back.

~Just so you know, I will be posting the first couple chapters here {1-5} the rest will be in the main book~

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