Getting Answers

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"Well...Zane is," The guard said.

"Umm...I wasn't looking for that...I meant more information," I said.

"Oh...Zane is a very handsome guy,"

"...what's your name?" I responded.

The guard started to look up and started to mumble.

"I don't remember...all I know is that everyone calls me Derp," Derp said.

"...Do you at least know why Zane is this way," I asked.

"Umm...I'm pretty sure it's because his childhood, back then I heard he had personality issues as a kid....,"

"Sorry, I already know about that...I'm gonna go back in my room,"

"Wait...there's more than that,"


"Zane used to be good, but I guess his father turned him this way...sometimes we think that if Zane's father never came in the picture...Zane would be good, or at least have a chance of obtaining it,"


"Now you better get going...just in cause Zane doesn't want you out here after all, but remember you can change his ways...,"

"Thanks...I guess," I said before I went back in my room.

He said I can change his ways...? How can I change a guy so cruel...or maybe he's right. Well, only 30 more minutes until lunch. There is a chance I can find out more...or maybe change Zane's ways a bit...that guard is sort of right though...he is sort of handsome.

~୨◕ᗜ◕୧ enjoy~

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