Hey...I like you too

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The warmth on my lips was calming...little did I realize what just happened. Zane just kissed me...and I didn't resist...I didn't want to resist. Zane was blushing deep red when we stopped, but then he slightly smirked. Little did I know that I was smiling too...

"Aphmau...I-I love you..." Zane mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

"Zane...I feel the same" I also muttered. He...loves me...

"Aphmau, are you unhappy here?"


"I seriously kidnapped you and brought you here...and I forced you to marry me...how can you be happy? I took you away from your friends and family for the sake of my happiness...while not thinking about you,"

"Zane...it's fine...how about OUR sons live here?"

"Y-your serious? After what I did? You forgive me...and even want your sons to live here with us? WAIT OUR SONS?!?!"

"We are MARRIED after all...correct?"

"Y-yeah..." Zane stutters.

I slowly grasp his hand and kiss him on the cheek...for some reason I can feel others presence, as if someone or others were watching...but I honestly didn't care. I think I fell in love...

Accidental Love (A Zanemau Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now