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LEADER: Bumblestar - Pale ginger tom with amber eyes.

DEPUTY: Owlsong - mottled grey-brown she-cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Ashpaw

MEDICINE CAT: Silverleaf - Pretty white she-cat with silver-grey patches along her back.
Apprentice: Whitepaw


Stonefoot - Pale grey (with darker flecks) tom with amber eyes.

Rowanfur - Dark ginger tom with green eyes.

Gingerheart - Frail light ginger she-cat with one light brown paw and amber eyes.

Swanfeather - Long-furred white tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Sorrelpaw

Raventail - Sleek black tom with brown eyes. Former loner named Raven.

Tawnywing - Small light brown she-cat with green eyes.

Breezestorm - Dark grey tabby tom with amber eyes.

Oakfur - Dark brown tom with grey eyes.

Toadfur - Light brown scarred tom with murky green eyes.
Apprentice: Kestrelpaw

Pebblesplash - Pale grey she-cat with darker socks and green eyes.
Apprentice: Thistlepaw

Brindlecloud - Long-furred fawn-and-white she-cat with piercing green eyes.

Shrewfoot - Dark grey tom with green eyes.
Apprentice: Cherrypaw


Ashpaw - Light grey tabby tom with green-amber eyes.

Whitepaw - White she-cat with one grey paw and pale green eyes.

Sorrelpaw - Tortoiseshell and white she-cat with dark blue eyes.

Kestrelpaw - Small brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes.

Cherrypaw - Ginger and white she-cat.

Thistlepaw - Grey tom.


Hazelshade - Silver-and-white tabby she-cat with light brown eyes. (Mother to Heatherkit, a fawn she-kit with pale amber eyes, Ivykit, a white she-kit with light green eyes, and Sunkit, a pale golden tabby tom with amber eyes.)

Willowpetal - Pale grey she-cat with dark green eyes. (Expecting Swanfeather's kits.)

Foxtail - Ginger-and-white she-cat with a bushy tail and blue eyes. (Mother to Birchkit, a pale grey tom with a white chest and paws and dark blue eyes, Stormkit, a black tom with blue eyes, and Amberkit, a sleek black she-kit with a dark ginger chest.)


Sootface - Once-pretty dark grey she-cat with pale blue eyes.

Thrushwhisker - Wiry brown tom with dark green eyes.

Redfeather - Long-furred dark ginger she-cat with pale brown eyes.


LEADER: Driftstar - Grey and white tom.

DEPUTY: Cloudsong - Silver tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes.

MEDICINE CAT: Oatwhisker - Pale brown tom with a white chest and hazel eyes.
Apprentice: Beechpaw


Thicketfur - Large pale brown tom with dark green eyes.
Apprentice: Primrosepaw

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