Chapter 18

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"Bumblestar, my brother! Long time no see." Goldensun's amber eyes gleamed in the limited light, his fur fluffed up against the cold.

Sunpaw's eyes narrowed. His father was definitely not the "loyal warrior" that he'd been led to believe he was, oh no. His father seemed to be a rogue, and a horrible one at that.

"Before you ask," the large tom mewed before Bumblestar could even open his mouth, "your Clan is fine. They're just being guarded at the moment. Well, what's left of them. My dear mate and one of my lovely kits are in my new den. I just have one more question."

By now, Heatherpaw had pressed herself against Sunpaw, eyes wider than full moons.

"What could you possibly want now? Oh, and you're no brother of mine." Bumblestar's snarl echoed around.

"Oh, I just want to see my other kits, of course!"

Sunpaw could see genuine longing in his father's eyes, and so could Heatherpaw, because both of them padded forward.

"I-is that really you?" Heatherpaw mewed, eyes as wide as a kit's in a snowfall.

"Of course it's him, mouse-brain." Sunpaw hissed into her ear, before turning back to Goldensun. "Hello, father."

Goldensun let out an amused purr. "Oh, my kits... It's so good to finally meet you. Someone-" He broke off to glare at Bumblestar. "-wouldn't let me visit."

"Come inside, and we'll talk. Oh, and I apologise for your friend's death. One of my rogues thinks it's funny to dive into dens."

Without hesitating, Sunpaw followed his father as he walked into Bumblestar's den. He ignored the fact that Goldensun had called the leader's den his own. For all he knew, his father deserved the den more than Bumblestar.

"Aren't you coming, my darling?" At Goldensun's meow, Sunpaw realised that Heatherpaw hadn't moved.

She spun around, eyes narrowed in confusion. "I... I guess so."

She glanced over to Bumblestar, before following her father into the den. Sunpaw began climbing up the stones to the den, but Bumblestar called out to him.

He spun around. "Sunpaw?" His mentor was watching him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry."

Sunpaw just glared at him, then turned away, leaping up the stones.

As soon as he'd entered the den, yowls filled the air outside, as well as snarls. Scuffles could be heard, until everything fell silent.

"What's going on?" Sunpaw mewed hesitantly, though he didn't look at his father. When he didn't get a response, Sunpaw turned around.

Goldensun was tracing his claw around Bumblestar's nest. "This was where... Oh, good times..." His father murmured softly.

Sunpaw had no idea what he meant.

"Where what?" A voice echoes from the shadows of the dark den. "Where you killed my mother?"

Sunpaw couldn't recognise Hazelshade's voice until his eyes adjusted to the darkness to reveal a figure sitting, her stance tensed.

She didn't lay eyes on her son or her daughter, only on her former mate.

Sunpaw's ears flattened. "Goldensun didn't do that. You told me he was an honourable warrior."

He turned to his father after he'd spoken. "Right? You didn't do anything like that, did you?"

Goldensun nodded, however. "I did, actually. But it was only because ThunderClan was growing weak with a leader who wouldn't even attack a Clan after they stole prey from us. Who do you think killed Flamestar? Me. ShadowClan were too strong. With an inexperienced leader, could they really pose a threat to ThunderClan?"

Sunpaw's eyes narrowed, and beside him, he felt Heatherpaw stiffen.

I suppose he could've been doing it for the good of the clan... He thought, giving his father a small nod.

"I'm sure your intentions were right. Right, Heatherpaw?" He turned to her sister, but she just nervously backed away to Hazelshade.

"He still killed our grandmother, Sunpaw."

"For the good of ThunderClan!"

Hazelshade just watched her son, a blank look on her face. "If you believe that, Sunpaw, then you are not my son."

Sunpaw was furious. He dug his claws into the ground, trying to keep himself calm. "I never was your son though, was I?

Hazelshade was about to open her mouth to say more when a cry of relief sounded from outside. "You're alive!"

Sunpaw shot to his paws, darted out of Bumblestar's den and watched as, miraculously, Amberkit feebly crouched on the dusty ground, coughing loudly.

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