Chapter 34

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Sunflame woke up early.

He had wanted to do some last-minute hunting before Calisse's ceremony, so his mother and her new apprentice had created a patrol with him.

Most of it was testing out how Amberpaw was doing without her tail- which was very well- but they came back with prey each; Hazelshade carried two voles, Sunflame a meaty hare and Amberpaw a starling that she'd batted from the air at the last moment.

As they placed their prey on the fresh-kill pile, Bumblestar's yowl sounded. Just in time! Sunflame thought eagerly as the loner-queen stepped forward. Her fur had been groomed, making the golden patches glow, and her eyes shone happily as Bumblestar began reciting the ceremony.

"Calisse, is it your wish to give up your life as a loner and become a warrior of ThunderClan?"

The she-cat glanced around her, taking everything in. Her eyes met Sunflame's and seemed to hold there for a moment. "It is."

Bumblestar nodded, tail flicking happily. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your new name. Calisse, from this day forward you shall be known as Honeywhisker. StarClan honors your optimism and excitement and we welcome you and your kits as full members of ThunderClan."

A cheer went around the clan as they called out the she-cat's new name. However, it soon died down when Bumblestar cleared his throat.

"I have one more thing to announce." He mewed, eyes gazing upon Pebblesplash. "Pebblesplash is expecting kits."

A ripple of happy murmurs spread throughout the clan as the she-cat ducked her head slightly like a praised apprentice.

"However, that leaves Aspenpaw without a mentor."

Bumblestar beckoned Willowpetal up to Highledge, where he spoke in hushed whispers with the queen for a few moments. They appeared to be arguing over something.

Eventually the queen gave in and nodded glumly, padding away, sitting back down beside her mate.

"Sunflame has yet to receive an apprentice. He shall continue mentoring Aspenpaw until Pebblesplash can take back her apprentice."

Sunflame's mouth fell open. He was getting an apprentice?

"I hope that Sunflame will pass on all he knows to you."

Sunflame could barely hold his excitement, his heart pounding.

However, it stopped when he saw Aspenpaw's eyes.

Full of fear.

"Aspenpaw," he whispered when they were close enough. "Are you okay?"

The she-cat jumped at his voice, but nodded, though Sunflame wasn't convinced.


"Aspenpaw? Could I talk to you for a moment?"

Sunflame called his apprentice over before she disappeared into her den. She froze on the spot, turned around and nodded, padding shakily over.

This was very different from the cat he'd seen a few days ago. Is it me?

"Aspenpaw, what are you scared of?" He mewed gently, crouching himself down to her height to look her in the eyes.

Aspenpaw narrowed her eyes. "You're definitely not as scary as mother made you sound," She mewed quietly.

Sunflame almost burst out laughing. "Aspenpaw, I'm not scary at all! Unless you decide that you're a ShadowClan warrior." He mewed the last part dead seriously.

She nodded solemnly. "I won't!" She promised. She suddenly seemed a lot happier than she had been just moments before.

"Aspenpaw, I promise that I won't do anything to hurt you, Wolfpaw or Swanfeather. Even your mother, who, trust me, is the cat I'm most likely to hate at this moment." Sunflame joked, though the apprentice clearly thought he meant it about Willowpetal.

Aspenpaw nodded, evidently forcing the purr that came after. Sunflame let out a purr. "I'm just kidding! Don't worry, I'll try to make your apprenticeship as fun as I can. Promise."

The small she-cat scampered off, ears pricked. Sunflame watched with happiness as her tail lifted high into the air in confidence. "Good... She's not afraid anymore." He murmured to himself, a satisfactory tone in his voice.

He then turned around, padding into his den and settling down onto his nest, eyes closing. Almost immediately, he began to drift off into the realms of sleep, dreaming of a bright future and great things to come.

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