Chapter 28

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Sunflame forgot about the battle. He forgot about winning. About saving his clanmates, about the prophecy, about Ivyfrost, about himself.

He even forgot to breathe for a few moments.

He did not forget one thing through all of that, though.

Heathermist was now dead, and there was nothing he could do about it.

His sister was gone. Forever.


Only vaguely did he hear Bumblestar's cry of warning, of the pain of claws in his side, the scratches down his pelt.

But when he saw the attacker's eyes...

Or rather eye...

Something snapped inside of him.

She killed Heathermist.

He attacked Screech with all his wrath, all his might, all his fury...

And killed her without a second thought.

Only then, when a third of all the cats had fled, did he stop, settling down beside his sister's body and not moving.

He was vaguely aware of other cats beside him; a grey-and-white tabby, a pale ginger tom, a pale golden tom, a grey tom, a white she-cat...

Then, as he was moved to a familiar place, the body carried beside him, he slowly started remembering the twists and turns of his terrible life.

When he began to recognise the faces around him, the words coming from their mouths, he was shocked.

"Why is Goldensun here?" Was his first question. He glanced distastefully at his father, who seemed hurt. I didn't know he even had feelings. He thought, eyes narrowing into slits.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to my daughter, if that's alright." It was Goldensun himself who replied.

Sunflame turned his head around to see the still body behind him, her fawn fur clumped together in places around her neck.

Looking around, he realised that they were in the Medicine Cat's den, and that many other cats were there.

Ashcloud sat close to her, grooming the clumps of fur down on her head to make her look beautiful again. A pang of shock registered in Sunflame as he realised that his friend truly did love her.

Raventail sat at the entrance, Amberpaw by his side, head resting on her father's shoulder. He vaguely realised that she had grown, and was almost as large as the black tom.

And Ivyfrost sat by Sunflame, head dropped in shame. No claw marks etched her body like every other cat's. A rush of fury and hatred entered Sunflame's mind and gaze.

Though his heart ached to lean into her, to breathe in the scent that was so close to Heathermist's, he ignored it.

She'd done enough.

It was because of her that Heathermist was dead. It was her fault. Hers.

He then noticed that other nests around him were occupied, but not only by living cats.

Owlsong lay in one of them, the former deputy's body stiller than fresh-kill. Brindlecloud and Stonefoot both occupied nests, too.

"The clan will need to bury them all." Ivyfrost's mew woke Sunflame from the trance he was in. Four dead cats lay in the den around him. Four.

Goldensun's voice answered her. "I suppose they will, once everyone has finished mourning."

Sunflame's eyes narrowed slightly. "Aren't you going to stay and help?" He meowed, gaze flickering between the two. "Or do you find yourselves too good for the work?"

Both shared a glance with Bumblestar, who sat beside his brother, then Goldensun looked at Sunflame again. "Ivyfrost and I are going to travel around. Not rogues, but loners. Tawnywing and Rowanfur plan on staying, but Breezestorm is coming with us. We... Don't plan on coming back."

Ivyfrost's gaze was scorching. "That's what you want, though, isn't it? You want me to "go and never come back", don't you?"

Sunflame turned away from her angrily, wincing as his neck began to pulse painfully. He glanced down to see a wound on it, long and now gaping and trickling blood since he'd opened it.

After a pause, he muttered, "You don't deserve to live here in the clans with us. It's your fault she died."

She stood up abruptly and left.

"What's her problem?" He meowed to Bumblestar. However, his uncle shook his head at him sadly.

"Sunflame, Ivyfrost only wanted to protect you by doing that. Please, for both of your sakes, forgive her."

Sunflame scoffed. Like he could forgive her for murder. No. As long as he lived, Ivyfrost was no longer his sister.

As Sunflame waited for his wounds to be dressed by Whitepool- the she-cat had returned recently with her new name, and had begun to dress his wounds just a few moments ago- he let out a long, depressed sigh, slumping down into the nest he was in, eyes closing.

After a long while spent waiting and pondering, Sunflame finally fell deep into an uncomfortable, fitful sleep.

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