Chapter 1

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"Mother! Watch me!" A pale golden blur flew through the air at eagle speed, landing on the ground with an echoing thud. Sunkit quickly got to his paws, a burst of pride surging through him.

Maybe I've actually impressed her this time! He thought eagerly, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

In stead of praising him, Hazelshade just turned away. "Hmm," She murmured absently.

A look of utter disappointment erased the grin.

Sunkit barely even noticed his two sisters, Heatherkit and Ivykit, dash into the den. "Help us! Help!" They squealed irregularly. Sunkit turned to them, noticing that they were giggling as well as shivering nervously.

"She's going to find us!" Mewed Ivykit in her high-pitched voice. Hazelshade turned to her two daughters and smiled.

"Who's going to get you, my darlings?" She asked, brown eyes questioning. Sunkit sniffed and turned away, his back to his family.

"Owlsong!" They mewed in unison.

Hazelshade gasped with mock surprise. "I'll hide you!"

She draped her sleek tail over them and pulled them closer to her. Sunkit stomped over to the edge of the den just as the deputy rushed in.

"Hazelshade! Where are those ratty excuses for kits of yours? They've been putting slugs in my nest!"

Hazelshade stood up. "Owlsong, my 'ratty excuses for kits' are the future of the clan. You often say we're better off without them." She glared at the deputy defiantly, her lips pulled back in a challenging snarl.

Sunkit let out a huff. Every cat seemed to think that he and his siblings were nuisances. The only cats who ever really trusted him were Bumblestar, some of the kits, and the elders. Not even his mother had wanted him around for long. He'd never known his father, and all his mother had told him about him was that he had been a great, well-respected warrior, and he looked a lot like him.

Just because he was dead didn't mean he shouldn't be disrespected!

Owlsong lashed her tail. "Sometimes I think they really should have gone with their father. Grow up to be just like him. You know, a-"

Before she could say anything else, Hazelshade shoved her out of the den.

"If I hear a single word about that, I will find a way to personally exile you. I promise you that."

Owlsong seemed to have enough common sense to see it as a threat, and padded out of the den with a lash of her tail.

Though what Owlsong had nearly said intrigued Sunkit. What had she meant to say?

Before he could continue pondering the old she-cat's words, Hazelshade sat up, breaking his trail of thoughts. "Come here, my two beautiful she-kits." She beckoned to Ivykit and Heatherkit to come and sit in front of her.

Hazelshade craned her neck behind her, checking for other cats. Sunkit was about to follow his sisters when Ivykit swung her head round and glared at him, turning it back quickly when Hazelshade's head turned back around.

The she-cat crouched down in front of them. Her brown gaze softened as she watched Heatherkit yawn, and she waited for her to finish, before opening her own mouth to speak.

"Ignore everyone else. You are both beautiful kits and the clan is lucky to have you."

She leaned in to lick them both on the cheek, before drawing back.

"Momma, can we go and play with Foxtail's kits? Birchkit said that he, Amberkit and Stormkit were going with Raventail and Foxtail to see the lake!" Ivykit squealed with excitement. She and Heatherkit stared up at her with pleading eyes.

Sunkit curled up in the corner, not wanting to be noticed.

The last time he'd been with the three other kits, two of them- Birchkit and Stormkit- had teased him for being Goldensun's kit.

"Why?" He had mewed. "He was well-respected and a great cat before he died. Hazelshade said so." He argued. The two brothers had sniggered, padding away.

"If it's okay with them, then it's fine. And how about you, Sunkit?"

Hazelshade's voice caused the golden kit to spin his head. She had actually thought of him!

He bounded up to her. "Would it be okay if I stayed with you? You might get bored on your own." He stared up at her with pleading eyes. She looked into his eyes for a few moments, transfixed.

After a few heartbeats, her eyes grew fearful and bitter. "No!" She shouted, making Sunkit jump.

Her eyes suddenly lost the anger, and she turned her head. "Just... Go to the elders or something." She mewed, wrinkling her nose as if he were a piece of crowfood.

Sulking, Sunkit allowed his head to fall down, and he slunk out of the den.

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