Chapter 12

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"Sunpaw? Sunpaw! Wake up!"

The golden tom was barely asleep when a voice roused him. He opened his eyes to find Whitepaw looking at him nervously.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" He groaned, sitting up.

Whitepaw lashed her tail. "Sunpaw, Silverleaf wants to speak with you." She mewed.

There was a slight tremble in her voice, a weariness that was unusual for the medicine cat's apprentice. "She says it's very important."

Sunpaw leapt to his paws, padding out of the den. As soon as his muzzle hit the cold air he winced, fur bristling. It was freezing.

Whiskers tingling with anticipation, he made his way to the medicine mat's den, where she sat, quietly waiting. "Thank you, Whitepaw. I'll handle this." The white apprentice nodded, before padding away.

"Sunpaw, as you know, I am a medicine cat."

"Is that seriously why you got me up in the middle of the night? I know you're a medicine cat," he muttered.
It earned a sharp glare from her.

"As I was saying, I'm a medicine cat, so I recieve prophecies."

She paused, waiting for him to make a rude comment, before continuing, evidently glad that he didn't.

The she-cat drew in a large breath, before asking a question that shocked Sunpaw deeply.

"Do you know a cat called Nightshade?"

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