Chapter 15

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Though it wasn't cold, Sunpaw's paws tingled like they'd been dipped into cold water.

Sunpaw was trotting, following Silverleaf's long tail. Beside him were Whitepaw, on the left, and Heatherpaw, on the right. Both had been to gatherings before.

"Do you think Eveningstar will be there this time?" Heatherpaw asked Whitepaw, her eyes wide as if it were her first gathering.

"Yes. She was there last gathering."
Sunpaw nodded at Whitepaw's response. He recalled his sister talking about how the RiverClan leader and had been sick a few moons ago, and that she had left Quailfeather in charge of taking the message- and the clan- to the gathering.

Behind Sunpaw, the two newly named warriors were chatting excitedly amongst themselves.

"When will Bumblestar announce our new names?" Sorrelspots was watching her calmer- yet still excited- sister with questioning eyes.

"I'm not sure," came the reply that made both of them jump.

Bumblestar had heard and moved over to walk with the younger cats. Owlsong was now at the head of the clan.

"I'm not sure when I'll announce it, but don't worry- I definitely will. Speaking of which... Welcome to your first gathering, Sunpaw."

Sunpaw's head suddenly came up. The tom's eyes opened wide as he took in his surroundings. A huge lake had somehow appeared, with an island near the shore. A fallen tree was the only way to get across to the island, unless you were relying on the smooth lake to carry you across. Trees grew high into the sky, grass long and untouched by any but cats. Twolegs were but a legend there. It was so peaceful, tranquil, calm.

"All we have to do is cross the tree."
Whitepaw's breath tickled Sunpaw's ear, causing it to twitch.

Heatherpaw leapt up just as he nodded in agreement. "Shall I go first?" She asked as their turn to cross grew closer.

He shook his head, and, when it was time, gave a jump worthy of a squirrel, landing square on the tree.

He kept his gaze ahead, eyes focused on the pelt of Heatherpaw as he strode across the log, steps firm as his claws strived to find a grip in the damp moss covering it.

When he reached the other side, his first thought was the smell. He'd scented two of the other clans from border patrols, but all mingled together, it was as if Sunpaw had dived into a fresh-kill pile. The overpowering scent of fish stood out the most, but a faint hare-like aroma was also detectable, as was the pungent smell of mud and bogs. Sunpaw's nose wrinkled in undisguised disgust.

As if guessing his thoughts, Whitepaw turned around. "Don't worry- you get used to the scent." She nodded over to the trees. "In there is where the gathering is. Just come when you hear a yowl, alright?"

"Yes, mother," he drawled sarcastically, before trotting off.
He headed in the direction of a twisted oak tree near the edge of the island, sitting down beside it as he absorbed his surroundings.

He was so buried in his thoughts that he didn't even notice pawsteps, or RiverClan and WindClan's scents getting stronger, until he heard a voice.

"Hey!" It was a clear, friendly she-cat's voice.

Sunpaw glanced up to see four apprentices- two toms, two she-cats- approaching. The one in front and evidently the one who had spoken, was a silver tabby she-cat. Her green eyes watched him, eyes as welcoming as her voice.

"I'm Streampaw. WindClan. I'm guessing that you're Sunpaw; Bumblestar announced that there were three new apprentices a couple gatherings ago, and only two were there."

Sunpaw nodded. "It's nice to meet you," he replied awkwardly, giving her a nod.

A dark grey tabby tom, a dark brown tabby tom and a dark grey she-cat stood by her side.

"I'm Wavepaw," the grey tabby said. Wavepaw was watching him with curious blue eyes. "This is Webpaw, my brother, and Smokepaw, my sister."

Sunpaw nodded again. "Nice to meet you all," he mewed respectfully. His mouth opened again, but he shut it quickly when a yowl echoed around the island.

"The gathering's starting!" Smokepaw exclaimed, her dark pelt suddenly speeding into the trees, her brothers quickly following.

Streampaw let out a purr. "See you around, Sunpaw!" She called, then darted away.

Sunpaw stretched, then followed, bounding after the apprentices.
The clearing where the clans were gathered was big enough, but with the clans filling it, it looked huge.

Sunpaw settled down beside his sister, who had chosen a spot in a patch of daisies. "Hey," he mewed, earning a "Shush" from a group of elders a few fox-lengths back. She inclined to him with a flick of her tail.

"Greetings, Clan cats, and welcome to the gathering." A voice echoed over the hushed whispers. Almost instantly, the island fell silent, except for the faint chirping of crickets and the ripples of the lake.

"Eveningstar? Would you like to go first?" Sunpaw watched as Bumblestar nodded to the only she-cat in the tree. The elderly grey-and-white she-cat stood up.

"Thank you, Bumblestar. RiverClan is doing well; we are thriving this green-leaf. Our prey is plentiful, our kits and elders fed." She dipped her head, before seating herself back down again.

Driftstar rose, scanning the crowd of cats warily. "WindClan too are doing well. Just yesterday, two of our warriors, Lioncloud and Duskfoot, drove a badger off our territory."

Near Sunpaw, two warriors straightened themselves up, eyes shining with pride, as cats from all clans cheered their names.

Bumblestar stepped up. "Prey is running well for ThunderClan, too. We have two new warriors; Kestreltail and Sorrelspots."

The Clans eagerly cheered for the new warriors, before the final cat stepped forward.

"Greetings, cats of all Clans. ShadowClan's medicine cat apprentice, Tansypaw, has passed her training and is now Tansyfrost."

A cheer erupted, spreading throughout the island, before going silent.

"Now into less exciting news. Flamestar, unfortunately, has died, so I am ShadowClan's new leader; I am Flashstar. I have appointed Ratstone as my deputy."

A dark tom straightened himself up as cats cheered for him.

"I strive to live up to the standards of ShadowClan's past leader." He lowered his head, then raised it, eyes suddenly filled with rage. "Do you want to know how he was killed?" He yelled, glaring at the throng of cats below him.

"Flamestar was murdered- on the ThunderClan border! And ThunderClan stench was all over him!"

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