Chapter 14

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A rather groggy Sunpaw lifted his head up as a blinding flash of light overcame his features. He shot to his paws, glancing around, confused, then sat back down, blinking and dizzy from acting so quickly.

He let out a pitiful moan as he realised that it was just the sun reflecting on a silver rock facing from the other side of camp.

"Definitely worth getting up for..." He muttered sarcastically, annoyance showing on his face.

"Sunpaw, are you up yet? Bumblestar is waiting!"

A she-cat's voice- one who he recognised as belonging to Sorrelpaw- called out to him. He shook his fur, gave it a quick groom, then trotted out.

"I'm here." He mewed as the tortoiseshell she-cat came into view, her dark blue eyes looking him over.
He noticed her whiskers twitch and his eyes narrowed. "What's so funny?" He mewed, fur bristling.

Bumblestar, who had just appeared behind the apprentice with Swanfeather, Sorrelpaw's mentor, let out a soft chuckle. "You have a piece of moss attached to your ear, Sunpaw. Here, let me get it."

But Sunpaw didn't let him touch his pelt; he started shaking his head, very roughly, but only ended up sneezing, as the movement aroused dust from below him.

Bumblestar came over and gently pulled it off. Sunpaw puffed out his chest. "See? Easy." The others laughed, so he averted his gaze to the rest of the camp.

Warriors and apprentices had left the camp, leaving only Kestrelpaw, Sorrelpaw's sister, playing with the kits, Brindlecloud, Owlsong, Ashcloud and Silverleaf in camp; Whitepaw had most likely gone looking for herbs.

"Sunpaw, I am taking you and Sorrelpaw out for training. Sorrelpaw's mentor, Swanfeather, will stay here guarding the camp."

The other apprentice gave a small purr, jumping up and down, while Sunpaw nodded happily. "Okay." He mewed, though beneath his small smile he was just as excited as the older apprentice.

Though it was cold beneath the undergrowth in ThunderClan territory, Sunpaw felt warm, his thick coat insulating him. The tortoiseshell apprentice trotted alongside him, eyes focused on the golden tail of Bumblestar as it whisked through the undergrowth.

"Here we are." Bumblestar suddenly mewed as they entered the familiar clearing. Sorrelpaw however, not looking where she was going, continued walking until she had a face full of Bumblestar's hind fur.

"Oomph!" She shrieked, taking a step back, nose wrinkled. She lowered her head, embarrassed. They all looked at one another, before Sunpaw burst out laughing.

"It's not that funny..." The embarrassed she-cat muttered, shaking her head, whilst Bumblestar just narrowed his eyes. "Right." He mewed, shaking his head in confusion. "Moving on."

He demonstrated a quick slash that Sunpaw had seen many times in the Dark Forest, though he acted surprised for Sorrelpaw's sake; she was almost a warrior, after all, and if she didn't know it, why should he?

He demonstrated with his mentor, but when the sheathed blow came to him, he acted on instinct; he darted under his mentor, out the other side, then leapt on his mentor's back, his weight making the leader drop like a stone with an "Oof".

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