Chapter 37

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Paws thudded against the grassy ground quickly, though the thud didn't quite match his heart. His heart, which was not only accelerated because of the speed he was going at.

Did he actually love Amberblaze?

He couldn't believe it. Was the answer really that clear?

Giving his head a quick shake of frustration, he sighed, slowing to a trot.

Sunflame had bolted as soon as the realisation became a possibility, ignoring his mother's cries of annoyance.

Finally, he halted at the base of a hill.

With a jolt of surprise, he realised that he recognised that hill in front of him.

It looked different when it wasn't drenched in starlight, but he still knew the place StarClan had spoken to him a few moons ago like the back of his paw.

Perhaps if I fall asleep here... He wondered hopefully, allowing his already exhausted legs to lead him up the hill to where he lay once before. Perhaps if I fall asleep here, I'll see my ancestors again.

After a few moments hesitation, Sunflame curled up on the grassy patch, head resting numbly on his paws as he closed his eyes. This is ridiculous, his sensible half reminded himself, while the other replied, It's my best chance at sorting things out.

Sleep didn't come easily in daylight.

However, after a while, it did eventually appear.


Sunflame didn't visit StarClan in his dreams.

In fact, all he did do was watch as destruction crashed upon the clouds. As usual, the sun lit up the sky at the end, it's amber-gold rays shining upon Sunflame until destruction fled.

Then, with an echoing cry for help, his dreams shifted to Heathermist's death.

It was something he had witnessed over and over again, and still it haunted him like a shadow, always with him and never disappearing.


He woke up to a paw gently nudging his side. "Sunflame?"

His eyes slowly opened, and he was shocked to see Heathermist standing over him, an ecstatic smile in her eyes. Her light fur contrasted against the night sky.

He struggled to get up immediately, but found that he was locked into place.

"Shh, brother. Don't wake up Amberblaze."

He jumped, turned his head, and was shocked to find that the she-cat had settled beside him some time that night, and was now sleeping peacefully, her head underneath his. His tail lay on her flank, gently brushing dust off of it.

"Heathermist!" Sunflame could barely manage to keep the purr under control as the dead she-cat bent down to give her brother a nuzzle.

"Remember the mist that encircles the wilted heather, for it will never forget the rays of the sun that once nourished it, even after it dies." She murmured softly.

Finally, a prophecy that makes sense. He thought triumphantly.

For a while, Sunflame just closed his eyes, breathing in her sweet, familiar scent, though it soon began to fade.

"Wait! Don't go yet! I need you here!"

"What? Want me to hold your paw? You're a big tom now, Sunflame. You can do this. Besides, your journey in the Prophecy is almost over. Someone else will take your place."

Suddenly, a blinding white light flashed in his eyes, and for a split second, he could see a white she-cat standing atop a hill, lightning lighting her pale yellow eyes as she glanced around her, rain ruffling her fur.

The image was gone as quickly as it appeared.

He then glanced down to his paws, unable to watch as his sister began to fade.

He took a sharp breath after a while, and sighed, relaxing back onto the hill as stars seemed to swirl around him and the she-cat asleep beside him.

Maybe it's not that bad, he thought hopefully. Maybe I can have a mate now that I'm no longer involved in the prophecy.

He paused, and with a smirk, added silently to himself, Well, it won't be some ex-loner-queen, will it?

With another warm glance towards the beautiful cat beside him, he rested his head on top of hers, not missing how she sighed happily when his neck fur gently brushed her ears as he settled into another sleep, this time filled with soft purring, quiet murmurs of the lake lapping against the sandy shore and, surprisingly, mewling kits and the milk-scent of a queen.

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