Chapter 29

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"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!"

The familiar yowl of Bumblestar roused a rather grouchy, annoyed Sunflame from his temporary nest in the Medicine Cat's den.

Thanks to a quick glance outside, Sunflame could tell that it was almost moon-high again.

"Can I go to the meeting?" He asked Silverleaf, who was stretching, her jaws parting in a yawn. When she had finished, she nodded. "Of course. But go easy on your neck!"

As he padded out of the den, Sunflame realised that many stares were on his pelt. He knew that the scars he had recieved in battle were deep and obvious, but it wasn't anything to stare at.

He turned to sit next to his sister, but with a pang of pain realised that both weren't there. Instead he sat with Hazelshade.

"Bumblestar's calling a new deputy and making new apprentices." Murmured Hazelshade into her son's ears. Though his mother's voice was calm, he could see that her tail flicked side by side with hidden excitement.

The ceremony flew by, almost as if it was rushed. Bumblestar paused before calling out the mentors, however.

Then he looked straight at Sunflame. "You have just finished your training, Sunflame, but I know that you will do well in training Aspenpaw."

There was a rush of fur as Willowpetal stepped in front of her daughter. "No! I won't allow my daughter to be trained by him! He turned into a killing monster all because of the death of a quiet, weird she-cat that the clan is better off without!"

Sunflame froze. Then turned around to meet Willowpetal's scorching gaze. "What did you just say?" He meowed, fighting to keep his cool. "About Heathermist?"

Willowpetal seemed to sense her mistake, but her pride didn't leave her. "Well, she was always too nice to everyone, as if she thought we were going to attack her. She flinched whenever I scolded her as a kit, like I had just hurt her. And she's your sister. Of course she's going to be weird."

It was all Sunflame could do to stop his hackles raising. "She was nice because she cared, and wanted to impress. She flinched because you are terrifying! And she's my sister, so you don't get to insult her. She's my sister, not yours. Leave her alone, and don't you dare speak a word wrong of her. She was amazing."

Willowpetal seemed stunned. She isn't used to cats talking back to her like that. It dawned on Sunflame suddenly that the queen was just a tad too rude to everyone, and she needed to take it down a notch.

What shocked Sunflame even more was when Swanfeather came and stood next to him. "Willowpetal, Sunflame's done nothing wrong. If I lost you, I would do exactly the same thing for you. Wouldn't you do it for me?"

The proud queen averted her gaze, stepping away from her kits who watched their parents in awe.

Swanfeather had never spoken a word against his mate- and only partially because he couldn't get a word in edgeways. To have him suddenly side with a cat she disliked was definitely something.

"I suppose I would... But I still don't want him mentoring my daughter." She muttered quietly.

Bumblestar nodded. "I suppose so. Oh, well... Sunflame, you'll just have to wait until another time."

He turned to the crowd once more. "Pebblesplash, you have mentored Thistleheart well, and I would like you to mentor Aspenpaw. I hope you will pass on your skills to her."

He then turned to Sorrelspots. "You have proven to the clan that you are strong and worthy of an apprentice, so I would like you to mentor Wolfpaw."


Sunflame sat outside on that cold night; he was finally having his vigil. Shrewfoot had been named deputy, Amberpaw had been given a new mentor, Hazelshade, and the rest of the day had gone past quick.

He would occasionally close his eyes and try to picture his sisters beside him, chattering quietly to each other, occasionally getting told off by Hazelshade.

He could barely picture their faces, however. Part of him didn't want to see Ivyfrost's face, to look into her eyes and see a murderer, while another part wanted so much to have her back, joking and laughing with Heathermist, by his side again.

Oh, Heathermist... He would do anything to have her back again.

His thoughts mainly focused on his sisters and the dead, Sunflame slowly but surely endured the night.

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