Chapter 25

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Sunpaw's paws ached. Why did he have to run around the lake?

"We're not WindClan- why do we have to do this?" He squeezed out between gasps.

Bumblestar, who was beside him, replied, "We have to be fast; from your reports, the Dark Forest have some WindClan cats in training. Besides, Sunpaw, you shouldn't be questioning your leader."

Sunpaw's eyes widened. Does he think I'm disloyal? He wondered briefly, his heart beating faster from a sudden rush of defensiveness.

"I'm loyal! I would never do something like that!" He snarled. Soon after that, he realised his mentor was laughing. "What?" He snapped, then realised that Bumblestar was probably joking. "Oh."

"Oh, Sunpaw! You are hilarious. I know you're loyal- now, at least. The past is in the past. It can't harm us now." His mentor purred. Then his face turned serious. "But actually, I've decided to do something else."

Sunpaw's ears pricked in interest. "What? You know you can tell me anything, Bumblestar."

His uncle nodded, gaze staring into the distance. "I've decided to make you, Ivypaw and Heatherpaw warriors. Whitepaw is becoming a full Medicine Cat tonight- it is the half moon. You've trained hard and you've earned it."

Sunpaw was speechless. A warrior? Already? He simply nodded. Then, he gasped. "When?"

His mentor smiled at him. "Why, as soon as we get back." He purred, and Sunpaw suddenly felt a burst of pride in his chest.

"I'll race you back." He purred, and without waiting to hear if his mentor was following, took off, running faster than he'd ever ran before to tell his littermates.


"Guess what!" He shrieked, interrupting his sisters, who had been reciting the Warrior code for their mentors.

Ivypaw rolled her eyes. "What now? Can't you see we're busy?" Heatherpaw nudged her sister gently. "Let him speak, fuzz-brain." She muttered.

Just as Sunpaw was about to burst, there came a yowl from Highledge, causing all of ThunderClan to turn.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!"

Sunpaw allowed his aching paws to carry him to the overhang. He didn't make it far, however, before an all-too familiar she-cat stopped him.

"What, Hazelshade?" He sighed, rolling his eyes. He froze, however, when his mother began to groom his fur.

"Oh, Sunpaw... I'm so sorry. I never realised I was hurting you... He hurt me so much though... He killed my mother and abandoned us, his family... I'll tell you all everything later, but for now... Can you ever forgive me?" His mother sounded- No. She was- genuinely sorry. Sunpaw let out a long sigh, glancing over to where Bumblestar was. The leader was watching him happily, nodding. So Bumblestar knew what was going on.

"Mother, a someone just told me that the past is in the past- and believe me, it is. I should be the one apologising; I never really thought you'd ever apologize. I underestimated you."

The tabby-and-white she-cat couldn't hide the confusion in her eyes, but when she got no further reply, she nodded quietly, eyes glistening. "Go. Go, Sunpaw, and make me proud."

With a small nod, Sunpaw padded over to where his sisters were waiting.

"Heatherpaw, Ivypaw, Sunpaw, please step forward." The purr came from Bumblestar, eyes shining happily.

Unlike his apprentice ceremony, Sunpaw was the first to step forward.

"I, Bumblestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.

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