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"Mother, watch me!" A yowl echoed around the den as a small, pale golden she-kit leapt off of a branch of willow from the den's wall. She flew over Pebblesplash and landed neatly in front of her mother.

Another blur flew past Sunflame, this time a she-kit with a pelt whiter than the moon that gleamed in the morning light as she soared through the air.

However, she landed rather ungracefully, slamming into her sister with a soft "thud".

"Hey! You squished me!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"


"Oh, kits, give it a rest." The snap came from the two kits' mother, her black pelt shining like the night sky as she puffed her ginger chest out. Despite her annoyed tone, her blue eyes revealed the unconditional love she felt for her two kits.

Sunflame watched the scene unravel with deep pride shining in his amber gaze. Three kits had been born just two days before Aspenpaw had become Aspenfall and Wolfpaw had become Wolfwhisker. At one moon old, they were now playing like squirrels, full of insatiable energy, playing from dawn until dusk.

There was brave, boisterous Palekit, who was never afraid to speak her mind. Her golden pelt was more of a honey-golden than Sunflame's fiery gold, and her eyes were blue, though unlike her mother, they were more of a dull, grey-blue than navy. Soft, darker dapples ran along her pelt, though Sunflame could tell that with age, they would soon disappear. The faintest tabby stripes also adorned her fur, though unlike her dapples, they would become more evident over time.

His second kit, Moonkit, was second to none when it came to kindness. The shy she-kit, though evidently Sunflame's daughter, looked nothing like both of her parents or sister, instead bearing a strange resemblance to Ivyfrost, with her snow-white pelt. Her eyes were a startling pale yellow.

His daughter actually reminded him of some other cat, though he couldn't quite place a name.

His third kit was a small black tom they had named Nightkit. He hadn't even seen the sunrise over the nursery, having been born stillborn. He'd never even taken one breath.

Though weighed down by the death of his son, Sunflame never found it as an excuse not to spend every spare moment of his time in the nursery with his kits and be the father that Goldensun never was.

He watched his kits for a while, until Pebblesplash's four kits, now apprentices, padded into the nursery to see their mother. Pebblesplash lay on her side, her belly swollen with her second litter of kits, and though she was evidently exhausted, she didn't stop her kits from hauling her up and taking her to the fresh-kill pile to see their catches.

Before long, Sunflame felt his gaze drift back towards his own kits. Moonkit was attempting to catch a butterfly, which had most likely flown in when Sunflame's gaze was averted. Palekit was trying to chase her own tail.

He let out a soft chuckle the same time that Amberblaze did, and when his mate turned her head to face him, her eyes were filled with such love and adoration that he almost jumped. Perhaps she does love me as much as I love her and the kits, he thought as he rested his head on top of Amberblaze's, tail wrapping around her as his kits kept playing.

After a while, he returned to his own thoughts, and with a smirk to himself, he murmured, "Nope. I definitely love them more."


And... That's the end of the book!

Can you guess who Moonkit bears a resemblance to?

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